Chapter 19

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A couple days later Liam and Sebastian were going to the doctors to see the doctor. The doctor arrived a few minutes after Sebastian and Liam arrived in the room.

"Good Afternoon, gentlemen. My name is Doctor Gilbert Blythe, and I'll be your obstetrician."

Liam and Sebastian both shook the doctor's hand. The doctor looked at his clipboard.

"Now it says here that you've been pregnant before?", he asked.

"Yes.", Sebastian said softly, "Twice."

"We're either of these pregnancies with multiples?", he asked.

"The first one.", Sebastian said. The doctor nodded taking note on his papers.

"Alright," he said dragging the ultrasound machine over, "Let's see your little one." He squeezed some of the gel onto Sebastian's stomach. A grainy image appeared.

"There's your little one.", he said smiling, "Would you like to find out the sex?"

Sebastian looked at Liam shrugged, "It's up to you, babe."

Sebastian turned back to the doctor, "Yes, please." Doctor Blythe nodded.

"It's a baby girl."

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