Chapter 16

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Sebastian explained everything to Blaine who listened, attentively. He knew he couldn't tell Bas that Noah had bone cancer, and was slowly dying. That wasn't his place. Noah needed to tell, Bas. But there had to be someway he could convince Sebastian to let Noah at least see the girls.

"So now I don't know what to do.", Sebastian concluded, "What do you think I should do Blaine?"

"Well, he sounded genuine.", said Blaine.

"Should I let them meet him or not?", Sebastian asked biting his bottom lip, nervously.

"I think they should get a chance to know their other father.", even if it is only for a couple months. Blaine added on in his head.

"But why should I? What has he ever done?", asked Sebastian trying to find some reason, any reason to not introduce girls to Noah.

"He helped the police catch Azimio and Karofsky.", Blaine said, "And I know your fishing here, Bas. I understand your scared, and don't want the girls hurt like you were, but you need to give him a chance. Sebastian sighed. Blaine was right he could do this.

"Alright. I'll call Noah, and maybe he can come over today.", He said

"Good.", Blaine said smiling into the phone, "See ya, Bas." Blaine hung up and sighed.

"Did it work?", Noah asked looking at Blaine hopefully.

"Yeah it did.", Blaine said smiling at his brother. The two were better than they were, but they still hadn't got back to the relationship they had before Blaine had met Kurt.

"I'm going to miss you.", Noah said randomly.

"Don't say that, Noah.", Blaine said tears welling in his eyes, at the thought of his brother dying.

Noah smiled sadly, "I want you to plan the funeral."

Blaine hugged his brother fiercely, "I said don't talk like that. Your not going to die."


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