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Ten years later at the warbler reunion...

Sebastian looked around him. Eveyone had come back for the ten year reunion. Wes and David were there with their wives and kids. Thad and Trent and all the rest of the guys were there too. Nick and Jeff were in attendance along with a nine year old Blair, a seven year old Christina, four year old Ryan, and three year old Benjamin. Blaine and Kurt had yet to arrive, but trying to get all their kids together wasn't exactly easy. Sadie was sixteen now, and gave Kurt and Blaine hell when it came to boys. Elizabeth was ten now, Rylan was eight and a half, Akshay and Kendrick were seven and a half. After having all of them Kurt and Blaine had decided that they were done. Fate however had other plans. One year after Akshay and Kendrick came along they had another little boy named Jacob. Jacob was now five. Then they had William who was two and a half now, and Blaine was pregnant yet again, with what they swore was their last child.

Sebastian smiled as he looked around the room. Everyone was laughing and talking having a good time. He looked at his own children running around, playing. Luna and Love were both ten. Cyrus was seven. Then Ginny was next at six. Zack was four, and Alexandra, but they called her Alex, was the baby at six months.

"Whatch ya think about?", Liam whispered in his ear. Sebastian looked at his husband, and smiled.

"Just how glad I am that you rescued me, and how much I love you."

Liam smiled, and kissed his husband, "So your glad I came?"

"I am", Sebastian said smiling, "Very glad you came."

A/N: If you read this whole story please leave a comment with your favorite part :)

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