Chapter 24

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Sebastian gasped. "Harry..... what are you doing here?"

"I'm here for my son.", Harry said coldly.

"You made it quite clear that you wanted nothing to do with him.", said Sebastian trying to keep his voice strong, and clear despite his growing inner anxiety.

"Let me in Sebastian.", said Harry, "I don't want to hurt you, or your new little bun in the oven."

"You aren't taking him away from me.", Sebastian said with resolve.

"Let me in you, slut.", Harry said maliciously. It gave Sebastian pause enough for Harry to push past him into the house. Sebastian pushed the pain aside.

"Get out of my house!", he said trying to pull Harry away form the stairs. Harry pushed him, causing Sebastian to lose his balance, and fall. Harry started ascending the stairs. After a minute Sebastian's ran after him.

"Get out of my house!", he yelled. Harry paid no attention, and started down the hallway. Sebastian prayed that Cyrus would stay asleep, but sadly his prayers were not to be answered. Harry smirked, and headed towards Cyrus's room. The baby was crying loudly. It was time for him to be fed, and he didn't like waiting. Sebastian came into the room just as Harry picked him up.

"Come on kid, you and I have a date with a well." Sebastian gasped at how cold-hearted Harry was. He would kill a baby? An innocent baby?

Harry brushed past Sebastian. Sebastian shook his head, and raced after Harry. He got between Harry and the stairs. He grabbed Harry's arm, trying to get Cyrus away from him.

"Give him to me.", Sebastian said his voice, filled with panic.

"Let go.", Harry said gruffly, trying to get Sebastian to let go. Sebastian didn't let go. Harry shook his arm even harder, still nothing. Finally he elbowed Sebastian. Sebastian gave a gasp of pain, and fell down the stairs, hitting his shoulder at the bottom. Harry reached the bottom of the stairs, and headed towards the door. Sebastian tried to follow, but a sharp pain stretched through his stomach. The edges of his vision started to turn black. Just as he was about to pass out he heard Liam.

"Where do you think your going?" Then his world turned black.

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