Chapter 17

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Noah walked to Sebastian's house the next morning. Blaine had protested, saying he need to conserve his energy now that he was taking chemo, but Noah wouldn't hear of it. It was four house down, what was he their mother? Actually he was much better at the whole kid thing then their mother. Noah envied him that. He had never been good with kids.

His whole life he was the black sheep. Sure, his parents didn't like Blaine either, but they hated Noah. He wasn't as talented as Cooper. He wasn't as dapper as Blaine. He wasn't as cute as Sadie. He had always been compared, judged. When he found out Sebastian was pregnant he hadn't wanted his kids to feel that way. He figured it was best if he just stayed away. He got a job as a construction worker in Lima. One day he fell. Just tripped, you know like anyone can do, and he broke his ankle. They took him in for x-rays, and the doctor ran some tests. He found out he had stage 4 bone cancer. No way to treat, the chemo would help slow it down, with out it he would've died within two weeks. The chemo gave him six months. Six months to say good-bye to everyone he loved. Including two little girls he had never known, and a man he had been to scared to love.

He had told his parents of course. His mother had cried, albeit crocidle tears, at the thought of him dying. His father had stared at him blankly, and said he would pay the funeral bill. After that he had called Cooper and told him. Cooper, after getting over the shock, had cried and offered to come see him in Lima. Noah told him that he was leaving Lima, and to come see him at Blaine's. He had flown out to Blaine's the next day. They had been talking ever since the whole thing with Karofsky and Azimio went down. Noah hadn't told him what the doctor said though, he wanted to tell him in person.

Blaine and Noah had always been close growing up. They had drifted apart as their teenage years progressed, but adulthood had started leading them back to that relationship.

Noah had asked if he could come stay with Kurt and Blaine for a while. Blaine, being the hospitable brother, that he is told Noah of course he could come.

A few days after Noah arrived, he and Elizabeth were wrestling. Kurt came upstairs afterwards while Noah was changing his shirt. Noah's staomach was littered in bruises. Kurt had gasped, and asked what was wrong. Noah had told him what the doctor said, and begged Kurt not to tell Blaine. Kurt, of course, told Noah it wasn't his place to tell, but that Noah needed to tell him soon.

Blaine had taken Noah's news very hard. He shut himself in his room, and wouldn't come out for anyone. Not even Kurt. He only ate when one of the kids brought him food. They were the only ones he would see. He took care of Akshay and Kendirck of course.

After a couple of days, Blaine was out of his room, and interacting with all of them, but he was hollow. After still a few more days, Kurt had finally had enough of it, and took all the kids to Nick and Jeff's, and left Blaine and Noah alone.

That was all it took for Blaine to completely break down. He had just gotten his brother back, and in six months he was going to be gone again, forever? How was that fair? Blaine had cried and clung to Noah, who awkwardly patted his brother on the back. It would be okay.

Noah reached Sebastian's house, and looked at it worriedly. What would happen? What would the day bring? Noah took a deep breath, and walked towards the front door.

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