Chapter 5

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Sebastian decided to try and talk to his parents one more time about giving him some money. He had asked several times since he had the girls, but his parents hadn't been overly helpful. He knocked on the door, and was ushered in to his father's study by the butler, Cedric. His parents, Al bus and Minerva were as stodgy, and pompous as their names seemed. Sebastian had somehow managed not to have it rub off on him. His mom had always been slightly less stuck up then his father, but both liked to think themselves better than others, especially him. His father looked at him coldly from behind his spectacles.

"If your here to ask for more money boy you can just forget it.", said his father.

"I need the money father. I'm supporting myself, and three other people!", Sebastian said.

"Three, now is it!", his father said appaled, "Gone and gotten yourself knocked up again, you faggy freak?" Sebastian winced at the words, his thoughts going to Harry. He reminded himself that Harry was in jail, and couldn't touch him our the children. Any of them.

"Please, Father.", he pleaded, "If you have one ounce of love for me. Just give me what I asked for last time, and I'll go."

His father eyed him coldly. "I don't love you. I never have. You aren't my son."

"Albus!", his mother said form where she was standing. Her face looked pained, and scared.

"No, Minerva I won't put up with this anymore." Sebastian looked at his parents worriedly. His father turned to him coldly.

"Your mother was pregnant when we got married. The man she was in love with decided he was a queer." His father...Albus' lip curled in disgust, "Just like you."

"So where is he then, my father?", he asked.

"Last I heard he was living in California.", his mother said softly.

Sebastian turned towards the door. As he left Albus called, "Don't come back, boy. Ever."

Sebastian tried to wrap his mind around what he had learned. His father, his real father was gay. He was living in California. He wondered if he had any siblings? What would life have been like if he had known his real father? When he got home he was surprised to see an email from his mother. It said; "Dear Sebastian,

Your father's name was Ronald. We met when we were sixteen. He decided he was gay a couple weeks after we had sex. It was a mutual parting. I knew he wasn't the one for me. We stayed friends. Then I found out about you. I told him. He knew about you, and every major life event that's ever happened to you I wrote to him about. He knows all about you Sebastian. He is married to Edward Fitzgerald. They have two kids. You got that gene from your father. His kids are named Holly and Troy. Enclosed in this email is your father's number, and know that no matter what, baby boy. I love you. -Mom"

Sebastian sat back in his chair. What was he supposed to do now?


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