Chapter 11

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A couple days all the boys, and the kids met at the park. Sebastian and Blaine left the kids with the other men, and took a walk with just Cyrus.

"I don't what to do.", Sebastian said.

"About what?", Blaine said wanting to hear his friend say he was in love once more.

"About being in love with Liam.", said Sebastian.

"Well, what do want to do about?", Blaine.

"I want to tell him, but I'm scared.", said Sebastian admitted.

"Courage.", Blaine said smiling, "He loves you too. I promise this time, Bas, you won't get burned. But the only one way you can find that out for yourself is to do it."

Sebastian sighed, "I suppose so."

Blaine smiled, and hugged the taller man. "You'll be fine, Bas." Sebastian smiled weakly at him.

That night Sebastian paced the living room nervously. After the kids were done at the park Blaine had offered to let the girls stay with him and Kurt for the night. The girls had jumped at the chance to play with Sadie and Elizabeth, and Sebastian just couldn't tell them no. When he got home he had called Liam, and invited him over for dinner. Then he had fed and changed Cyrus, who was currently sleeping. Just then there was a knock at the door. Sebastian smoothed his shirt, and checked his hair in the mirror by the front door. Then opened the door. Liam stood there, a single rose in his hand. Sebastian took the rose blushing slightly.

"Hello, love.", Liam said kissing Sebastian lightly on the cheek as he walked into the apartment. Sebastian closed the door behind him, and headed towards the kitchen.

"I made spaghetti.", he said nervously, "I hope that's okay."

Liam smiled, "Whatever you make is delicious."

Sebastian giggled, "Thank-you."

After they finished, Sebastian took a deep breath, "Liam, there's something I want to tell you."

"Yes?", Liam asked, a bit nervous.

"Liam," Sebastian said getting choked up, already. "You are the most amazing man I have ever met. You love me, and you love my kids even though they aren't yours. And I love you too."

Liam's jaw dropped, "You what?", he asked breathlessly.

"I love you.", Sebastian said smiling. Liam stood up, and cupped Sebastian's face in his hands. He kissed him passionately. They moved to the couch, staying attached at the lips as much as possible. They continued to kiss, until Sebastian couldn't take it anymore.

"Bedroom.", he breathed.


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