Chapter 14

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A couple days later found Kurt, Blaine, Nick, and Jeff helping move Sebastian, and the kids into their new house. Well, Sebastian called it Liam's house, since he had paid for it all. Little did he know that Liam had written his name down on the deed so they actually both owned the house.

It was a little yellow house two houses down from Nick and Jeff, and four houses down from Blaine and Kurt. Sebastian was in a very good mood. He was moving into a dream home, with his boyfriend and children. Also he had had no morning sickness, and could stand the smell of coffee. He would take these simple gifts while they lasted.

After everything had been moved in, the boys decided to have a barbecue, at Nick and Jeff's for supper. Sebastian offered to bring the drinks, and Kurt said that he and Blaine could manage the side dishes. Nick and Jeff, of course, would supply the barbecue.

The night was full of laughter, and fun. The night ended early though, as they were all tired from moving everything all day.

Sebastian was just getting the girls ready for bed, when there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get!", he called. Liam was helping the girls with their bath. He opened the door, and saw the last person he expected to see.

"Noah!", he said

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