Chapter 7

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As the private jet touched down in Los Angeles, Sebastian felt his nerves starting to set in. Liam seemed to sense this and grabbed his hand.

"It'll be fine.", he said. Sebastian smiled at him in thanks.

They got a limo to the hotel room. Liam had gotten an adjoining suite. One bedroom had a queen size bed, and the other had to full size beds. He figured the girls could share one of the full beds, and Sebastian could take the other.

After they were setteled in the hotel room, Sebastian took out his phone to call his father. Liam had taken the girls out for ice cream. After a few rings someone picked up.

"Hello?", said a voice on the other end.

"Hello, Is Ronald there?", Sebastian, asked ignoring the way his heart pounded.

"This is Ron.",said the voice on the other end.

"I'm not sure how much you know about me.", Sebastian said, "My name is Sebastian Smythe, and I'm your son."

"Sebastian!", Ron said incredously. "I never thought I'd get to talk to you."

"I want to talk too.", Sebastian said softly. "I want to meet you."

"Are you near Los Angeles?", Ron asked.

"I live in New York, but my boyfriend had some business to attend to out in L.A so we came too."

"Who's we?", asked Ron.

"I have two little girls, twins, and one on the way.", Sebastian said.

"Well, Congratulations!", Ron said happily. "Why don't all of you come to my house tonight? Holly and Troy will be here too. I'm sure thay'd love to meet you."

"They know about me?", Sebastian asked.

"Of course they do.", Ron said his smile evident in his voice. "Holly has wanted to meet you since she was thirteen, and could really understand that she had an older brother."

"How old are they?", Sebastian asked.

"Holly is twenty, and Troy is eighteen.", said Ron. "So will tonight work?"

"Tonight.", Sebastian said smiling, as Liam and the girls came back.

"See you then..... son", Ron said.

"Good-bye........Dad.", Sebastian said, happy tears forming in his eyes. Things were starting to look up.


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