Chapter 13

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Liam and the girls arrived home an hour later. Sebastian was waiting in the living room. Shortly after Blaine left he had ordered Chinese. Everything was now set up in the living room, which puzzled the three returning members of the Potter-Smythe's. They all knew that Sebastian only allowed eating in the living room, on very bad or long days.

"What's wrong?", Liam asked, after they were all sitting down. Sebastian was holding Cyrus, Liam was to his right, Luna to his left, and Love was across from him. When Liam spoke both girls turned to look at him curiously.

"What I can't just eat with the people I love in my living room?", he asked trying to avoid the question. Liam looked at him sternly, Sebastian looked back pleadingly. Silently asking him to drop it for now.

Liam sighed, "Fine."

Sebastian smiled, and continued eating. After all, he was eating for two now.

That night after the girls were in bed Liam and Sebastian ended up on the couch again. Liam turned to look at Sebastian, "Are you going to tell me what's up now, or do I need to call Blaine?"

Sebastian looked at his hands, resting in his lap.

"I'm just not ready for you to leave me yet.", Sebastian said.

Liam frowned, "Why would I leave you? I'd never leave you. I love you, Bas."

"You say that now.", said Sebastian crying, "But you won't love me when I'm fat, and can't see my toes. Or when I wake up with cravings at three o' clock in the morning. No one ever loves me then. Everyone leaves. Noah left, Harry left,'ll leave.", he finished quietly.

Liam felt a big grin grow on his face as he realized what he was saying.

"Your going to have a baby?", he asked happily.

Sebastian looked up, confused. No one had ever responded like this. Noah had been confused, and indifferent. Harry had been angry, and violent. No one had ever been happy that he was pregnant.

"Your not mad?", Sebastian sniffled.

Liam smiled softly, at the man he loved. The man carrying his child. "How could I be mad?", he said softly taking Sebastian's hands in his. "This is all I ever wanted."

Liam never made it home that night.

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