Chapter 26

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The wedding was a splendid affair. They had it in the backyard of their house. The wedding was very small. Liam's mother, and sister were there. Sebastian's mom and real dad, as well as his step-father, and Troy and Holly. Then there were all the kids. Luna and Love were their flower girls, and Cyrus was their ring bearer. Liam's mom had the job of holding Ginny through the ceremony. Sebastian was going to have Blaine and Jeff stand up with him, and Liam was having Kurt and Nick stand up with him.

"I'm so nervous.", Sebastian said.

"You have nothing to be nervous about.", Blaine said, "I'm the only one who needs to be nervous."

"What about?", Sebastian asked, pretending that he didn't know. A couple days after Ginny was born Blaine found out he was pregnant, again. He was starting to show now, but not a lot of people knew that he was pregnant. Only the immediate family did.

"You look fine.", Sebastian said smiling.

"You do too, Seb.", Blaine said straightening Sebastian's tie. "Now let's go get your prince charming."

The wedding was very simple, and short. They had wanted to keep it that way because of the amount of children in attendance. Liam and Sebastian wrote their own vows.

"Sebastian, I fell in love with you the first moment I saw you. There was just this air around you of sadness, and all I wanted to do was comfort you, and help put you back together. Eventually you did, let me in, and the more you did, the more I fell for you. There is no one on earth I'd rather be with than you and our family, Sebastian. You have made me the happiest man alive by agreeing to marry me. You could never need to give me more. I love you, Sebastian Lewis Smythe, with all my heart."

"Liam, when I met you I was in a very bad place. I thought that I was incapable of love, because others before you left me. Then you came along. You treated me like I was some sort of treasure or king, and I just couldn't believe that you actually loved me. I waited for the day when like the others, that attitude would just stop, and you would turn into a jerk or just leave. And I finally realize now.....", his voice broke. Luna hugged Sebastian around the legs. Sebastian smiled waterly at her, and bent down to hug her properly.

"It's okay to cry, daddy.", she whispered in his ear.

"I know baby doll.", he whispered back. He stood back up. "I finally realize now that that attitude will never go away, because you really do love me. I have no idea what I did to deserve you Liam Andrew Potter, but I am so very thankful for whatever it was. I love you Liam, with all my heart."

After the ceremony everyone went inside, and they had cake, and just hung out. It was a very good day for Sebastian. It was the day he finally got his happily ever after.

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