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* Potatoes 3-4 medium

* Refined flour (maida) 4 tablespoons

* Cornflour/ corn starch 4 tablespoons

* Ginger-garlic paste 2 tablespoons

* Dark soy sauce 2 tablespoons

* Salt to taste

* Red chilli sauce 2 teaspoons

* Oil 2 tbsps +

* Spring onions with greens 3

* Ginger 2 teaspoons

* Garlic 2 teaspoons

* Green chillies 2

* Tomato ketchup 2 tablespoons

* Vinegar 2 teaspoons

Put potatoes in a bowl. Add refined flour, 2 tbsps cornflour, ginger-garlic paste, 1 tbsp dark soy sauce, salt and red chilli sauce. Add a little water and mix well so that all the potato cubes are well coated.
Heat sufficient oil in a kadai and deep fry the potato cubes till crisp.
Heat 2 tbsps oil in a non-stick wok. Halve spring onion bulbs, chop them and add to the wok and saute on high heat. Add ginger and garlic and saute.
Chop green chillies finely.
Add 1 tbsp dark soy sauce and tomato ketchup to the wok and mix. Add 1 cup water and green chillies and mix.
Mix 2 tbsps cornflour in ¼ cup water and add half of it to the wok, mix and cook till sauce thickens. Add vinegar and mix. Transfer half the sauce into a bowl.
Drain potatoes and add to the sauce remaining in the wok and mix well.
Chop spring onion greens.
Transfer the potato mixture into a serving dish, garnish with spring onion greens or corriander leaves


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