An Interracial Love Story: Teenage Love Affair

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"Kaysee! Kaysee!" My friend, Daija yelled as we sat in the cafe.

"What?" I asked.

"The hell are you staring at?" She asked, turning to look in the direction of my previous gaze. I hope she didn't know where I was looking because I knew ridicule would come soon after. 

"Ouu, you lookin' at Trenton, aren't you? That boy too fine. I don't know why just won't go out with him, he's been checking for you for a long while." She grinned. Little did she know I was looking at the table next to Trenton's, but I didn't make her any wiser.

"Yeah, I guess. He's kinda cute." I lied, I wasn't into Trenton, never will be. But, everybody else just found that so hard to believe. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I looked at the message. 

Wait for me in the staircase.

"Uhh, I just remembered I have to prepare for my english class next period. I'll see you later." I said as I got up. 

"See, that's why people call yo ass Oreo, always tryna be all smart and goody goody." Laela hissed at me. I rolled my eyes at her, I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of seeing me react. Laela has always had it out for me, I have accepted it and move on; She on the other hand is one persistant bitch. I walked to Staircase E and waited. This was the most secluded and least vacant stairway we had in the school. I sat on the ledge of the window making sure I dusted it off before I took a seat. I heard the door at the bottom creek as it opened. Tommy came jogging up the stairs and a big smile spread across my face.

"Hey babe.." He smiled and kissed me on the cheek. I giggled and grabbed his face, planting a kiss on his lips. 

"I almost got us caught." I laughed. 

"How?" He asked as he stood in between my legs both arms on either side of me. 

"I was staring at you across the cafe, luckily Deija thought I was staring at Trenton. Lord knows what they would say if they caught me staring at you." I sighed.

"You mean, a white boy." He said, seemingly bothered. 

"It's not even like that." I protested.

"No need to try to sugar coat the obvious. You don't bring me out in public cause you're afraid of what your friends will say and vice versa. It is what it is." He said. 

"A little harsh." I pouted. 

"Yeah, well it's not so easy when you're on the other side of the closet door." He breathed. 

"Relax, it's our last year, then we can go off to college together and live happily ever after." I smiled.

"It's that simple, huh?" He chuckled. 

"Yes it is, now kiss me before I go to class." I demanded. 

"You're not the boss." He joked.

"Want a bet?" I smirked. 

"Actually I do." He looked up at me, grinning.

"Alright, today, after school, Mario Kart, best two out of three?" I suggested.

"That's my girl." He said, lifting me off the ledge and on to the ground. Now I was looking up at him.

"You're on." He said with his lips just an inch away from mine. I leaned in to kiss him, then he walked away.

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