Empire State of Mind

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I felt like I had lost everything I had. Tommy was the last piece of sanity, and comfort I had left. Whenever I was down he was there for me and now, he wasn't going with me to live out our dream. I wasn't answering his calls, as much as I wanted to invite found it pointless. I would just tell him how much I love him and beg him to come with me knowing he had no choice but to stay. I decided I wasn't going to attend the last week of school because it was mostly graduation rehearsals. My dad didn't seem to care that I had been home the last two days, it was Wednesday and my graduation was Friday. I had my dress already, so all I had to do was show up. All I wanted to do was graduate and get as far away from all these memories. My stomach growled loudly, and I dragged myself out of bed, even though it was 1 in the afternoon, I still hadn't eaten. I walked into the kitchen and saw my dad, reading a newspaper and sipping his coffee. I rolled my eyes at him, and made myself a bowl of cereal. I sat at the table, across from him, eating in silence. He got up and put his mug in the sink. He did this all the time, if I entered the living room, he'd leave, if I came to sit with him, he'd get up. I missed the bond that we once shared.

"Dad," I called him before he walked out.

He turned around and glared at me.

"Nevermind." I said softly, seeing the look on his face.

This was my first attempt on communication with him because I wanted to ask him to come to my graduation. But from the looks of it, I was on my own. I heard a knock on the door and went to get it.

"Hey Kaysee." Ariel said softly.

She looked uncomfortable, and I knew it.

"Hi." I said dryly.

My dad came to the door behind me and I saw a smile creep on to her face. He passed her a gift and walked back into the house.

"What's that?" I asked her.

"Graduation gift." She smiled.

"Oh." I said simply.

She ripped it open and a Tiffany box was inside. She pulled out a gorgeous diamond chain, I felt jealousy, hurt and anger all at the same time. I slammed the door in her face, and went up to my room. I wanted to cry, but I was honestly out of tears. I slept for a while when I woke up there was a gift box at the bottom of my bed. I smiled and quickly pulled the top off.

It was a photo album filled with pictures of my mom, and I. Then there was a section of me as a baby, then the rest was of Tommy and I. My eyes burned with tears as I looked through it. I took out a small box and a diamond bracelet was inside. It was so pretty. I was so excited I wanted to run and hug my dad, I was thinking he forgot about me, and didn't love me anymore.

I took out the envelope and started reading the letter within.

Dear Kaysee,

I'm sorry, I can't say it enough. I haven't been the best to you, and I apologize. I never ever intend to hurt you because you mean the world to me. I love you more than air and life itself. I hope that you can forgive me for the wrongs I've done. I just want you to know that you are beautiful inside and out. I love your laugh, I love your smile, I love your piggish way of eating, I love everything about you. Don't ever change. Even if I can't be with you, understand that you deserve someone amazing...better than me. I wish you the best in New York.

Always Yours,


By the end of the letter, I was a complete mess. It might not have been from my dad, but it was from someone better. I desperately wanted to see Tommy now, even more than before but I was avoiding him. I didn't want to keep seeing him when I was going to leave, I was trying to emotionally detach myself, by physically not communicating. I picked up my phone and debated calling him, but hearing his voice would ruin me. I headed downstairs and made myself another bowl of cereal. I wasn't in the mood to cook and my dad didn't want me to have what he cooked for himself. I brought the bowl up to my room and ate by myself, while watching movies. My phone started ringing and I saw a smiling Tommy and I. I picked it up and put it back down, on the last ring I quickly grabbed it. I answered but didn't speak.

An Interracial Love Story: Teenage Love AffairWhere stories live. Discover now