Here we go

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My heart hurt bad, apart of me just wanted to just say forget it and forgive him. But, the other side was telling me that if he cared he would've spoke up when he had the chance. He wouldn't have to apologize if he did what he was suppose to. My dad came home late that night and kissed me on the cheek as I pretended to sleep. I got back up and resumed scrolling through my phone. I looked at my instagram and saw Anna post a picture of her and Tommy. I rolled my eyes and threw my phone down. I didn't know if it was recent, so I didn't want to get too upset about it. The next day, Tommy didn't call or text me, at all. Which is what I wanted, or so I thought. I felt like that meant he had given up or found something or someone new to preoccupy his time. Good thing was, I would be at school tomorrow and I'd get to see everything I needed to. But, before I did that I went to talk to the big guy about my love life, hypothetically speaking, of course.

"Hey daddy," I said as I sat on a chair while he worked on a car in the garage. 

"Hey babygirl, what's up?" He said as he wiped his hands on a greasy piece of cloth and leaned against the car.

"I just have a question, hypothetically speaking, what would you do if mom's parent didn't like you and they were like, the biggest assholes in the world..would to you stay with her? And what if, she didn't try to defend you when they came at you crazy?" I asked him, shoving all my questions in one.

"Well, your mom's parents actually didn't like me, hard to believe right?" He chuckled.

"You're so full of yourself." I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"But like I was saying, they were really rude when I first came, because I didn't have much. I was just a kid with lots of ambition, but they didn't see a future in that. Eventually, they accepted that I wasn't going anywhere. Sure, it bothered me and it bothered your mother, but I understood that her parents had good intentions." He explained.

"But what if they didn't? What if they wanted to hurt you on purpose?" I questioned as I began to get emotional. 

"There will always be people like that, babygirl. All that mattered was that our love was bigger than their hate. So no matter what they said, or did, it wasn't a factor because we had each other." He said.

"That's beautiful, daddy." I said. 

"Yes, you are." He winked, I smiled and went inside maybe he was right, just maybe. 

I was anxious to get to school Wednesday morning, I put on some form-fitting high waisted jeans to show off all my assets that I knew he liked, and a top that showed just enough clevage for him to see, but not enough to get me in trouble. I put on some white converse. My dad gave me a ride to school, I got out and my eyes immediately went to Tommy. I pretended like I didn't see him as I struted my way over to Ariel and her boyfriend, Justin. 

"Hey boo, you okay?" Ariel said  as I approached.

"Yeah, i'm good." I smiled.

"How was your vacation?" Justin asked as he talked about my suspension.

"Splendid, all I did was sleep and eat. " I answered, truthfully. 

I went to my locker when Trenton approached. I kissed my teeth as I ignored him. 

"I just wanted to apologize, Kaysee, I didn't mean to put my hands on you on Saturday. You already know that i'm feelin' you. I don't have to go into detail about that. But i'd never put my hands on you again." He said.

"Are you saying that because you care or are you saying that because Tommy beat the crap out of you?" I asked. 

"I didn't even know you and Tommy rocked like that.." He said.

An Interracial Love Story: Teenage Love AffairWhere stories live. Discover now