#Tanna or #Taysee?

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As soon as the bell rang for lunch I was out the door. I got in my car and drove around the corner away from the school waiting for Kaysee. After a few minutes she came walking down the block. I unlocked the doors and she hopped in. 

"Hey baby." She smiled and kissed me.

"Hey, what do you wanna eat?" I asked her. 

"Not sure." She shrugged.

"Wanna just go to your place?" I suggested.

"Sure." She answered. 

I drove to her house and she opened the garage for me to park inside. I got out and we entered through the garage door that led into the kitchen. 

"Turkey sandwich please." I said, tapping her ass. 

She looked back at me and smiled. She washed her hands before she started making the sandwiches. 

"So, I was thinking.." She began.

"About what?" I questioned, as she passed me my sandwich filled with lettuce, tomatoes, turkey breast and mayo. 

"This weekend..my dad's going on another business trip and I wanna, you know.." She said as she looked at me nervously.

I laughed, "I don't get it." 

"I wanna 'do it'." She said in quotations. 

I laughed out loud, long and hard. 

"Nevermind...it's stupid, forget I even mentioned it." She said as she walked to exit the kitchen. I grabbed her arm and pulled her in between my legs. She had a pout in her thick, juicy lips. I licked my own as I resisted the urge to kiss her. I looked her in her eyes and sighed. 

"Are you sure you want to?" I asked her. 

She nodded. 

"Hm, then we will." I told her, I was no virgin, but since I met Kaysee I fantasized about what it would be like to be with her. But, I agreed to wait til she was ready.

"Why now?" I asked her as we sat and ate.

"Because, everything's been happening and I want to like solidify this relationship." She explained. That was a good enough reason for me, I didn't really need a reason, I was down regardless.

"Anna. Your dad. My Family & Ariel." I thought out loud.

"What about 'em?" She asked as she took a bite out of her sandwich.

"They know about us..What if Anna tells?" I paniced. "We have to make sure she doesn't." I was hoping she wouldn't but hoping wouldn't be enough. Especially not with Anna. 

Kaysee remained silent. 

"It's not that i'm ashamed or anything..I just don't want my friends to know. You saw how my family reacted, i'm not going for a part two..that's all." I said, trying to soothe the situation. 

"Why do you care what they say anyways?" She asked, as if she didn't at one point.

"I don't wanna deal with it at school. I get shit from my mom and sister as it is. I'm not trying to cut off the whole world for you. For this.. You've been bullied, you know what it's like to have people talk shit about you. I don't, so you're use to that..I'm not. " I said, I could tell that hurt her feelings. 

She nodded but remained quiet until we got back to the corner where I was dropping her off to go back to school. 

"Bye babe." I said as I moved to kiss her. She gave me a small peck and hopped out of the car. I drove off and shook my head.


Things getting out about Tommy and I became less important to me. My dad accepted him and so did my best friend. That's all I really needed. But I could tell it became real important to him, because his family didn't like me and that was enough to break us up. I didn't want to talk to Anna, she was a sneaky girl, and I didn't want to deal with that. But, Tommy was really concerned so I had no choice but to suck it up and do it for him. For the longest time in my life, I really stopped caring what people said about me. But it hurt me when he said he wouldn't cut off the world for us, I was willing to, if needed. Then, he had the audacity to bring up me being bullied. I always ignored the kids when I was younger or just run to Kae'Shawn to deal with them. But the fact that he said I was "use to it" bothered me. Getting bullied is never something you get use to, it's something you cope with. But I wasn't trying to harp on it. I headed back to school and went to get my stuff for english. I took my seat next to Trenton and he smiled. 

"Hey Kaysee." He smiled.

"Hey Trenton." It was so awkward. 

"I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out this weekend, just as friends. I promise I won't try anything slick with you." He smirked.

"I got you. Maybe Sunday?" I suggested.

"Whatever's good for you." He said. 

"You can come by around like 6, bring me some pizza too." I smiled. 

"Always thinkin' bout yo stomach." He laughed as the teacher began the lesson. I saw him staring from the corner of my eye the whole class, but I didn't pay him any mind. He passed me a note.

Who's your boyfriend?

I laughed a little.

None of your business. 

Just tell me, does he go here?

Maybe yes, maybe no. 

Keep playin' girl. 

Stop threatening me and do ya damn work. 

I wrote and laughed to myself. He smiled at it, then me before getting back to his work. Surprisingly,Trenton really made my day. I felt better after that arguement with Tommy. As the day came to an end, Tommy texted me to meet him in the staircase. I sighed, when I entered and walked up the stairs I saw him standing there with Anna. She had a smirk on her face. 

"What's the deal?" I questioned. 

"I'm sorry, I don't understand this urban slang." She smirked.

"Ughh, fuck off." I said rolling my eyes. 

"Basically, I was just telling Anna not to tell anyone about you and I." 

"And, I said ONLY if in public Tommy's my boyfriend and in private he's yours." She smiled.

"And you said what?" I said with my hand on my hip. I arched my eyebrow at him as I saw him nervously bite his lip.

"I said okay..but listen it's a good cover up, Kaysee." He tried to explain.

"We don't need a mothafuckin' cover up, Tommy! Are you that desperate to hide me? Is it that fucking important? I would never take it to that level! I'd rather have everyone know then do this shit!" I fumed. 

"Yes it is that important, Kaysee! I'm protecting you, more than anything." He yelled back. 

"Whatever, do what you want." I said. Anna stood there with a smile on her face. 

"I guess you win right." I rolled my teary eyes and walked away. I don't know why he thought this would be a good idea, he hurt me again and he knew it. 



An Interracial Love Story: Teenage Love AffairWhere stories live. Discover now