I love you.

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Hey guys, another chapter for y'all. COMMENT because I really loove reading them. Most of the time I don't reply cause I'm bound to give a part away and I want to keep you guys wondering, lol. But yes loves, I hope you enjoy this..please excuse my errors, im still laptop-less, womp.


I looked at them in shock. Tommy stood behind me and sighed heavily. That snapped me out of my shock.

"So this is what the fuck you sent me away for? So you can sleep with my best friend?" I yelled as hot tears fell down my cheeks. I was angry and hurt.

"It's not what it looks like!" Ariel defended.

"Then what the fuck is it?" I screamed.

"You're not even suppose to be here!" My dad screamed at me and stood. He used the blanket to cover his waist.

"Don't even talk to me. You're disgusting." I said.

"I'm still your father!" he screamed, now standing in my face.

"Then act like it!" I cried as I stared up at him and saw no sense of remorse.

"Kaysee, I'm sorry." Ariel said in tears.

"Why? This is what you wanted right. Live in my house..'ou, Kaysee yo daddy a dilf'."I mocked.

"I'm not even gunna fight you, Lord knows I want to slap the shit outta you..but, I'm not going to. I'm better off without the both of you." I said as I walked into my room. I packed all my stuff in garbage bags and Tommy brought them downstairs. Neither of us spoke as he helped me. I took everything, even my Nintendo, only to leave the furniture. I walked around the house collecting photos of my mom.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" My father asked. Now in a T-shirt and jogging pants on.

"What's it look like?" I said sarcastically as I continued to grab the frames.

"Listen to me," I ignored him, "I said listen to me, Kaysee!" he screamed loud enough to startle everyone in the room. I let my tears freely fall as I looked up at him.

"You are still my child and you're still a minor. If you think you're grown and you wanna go, then fine. But, if you think you're leaving here with the pictures of my wife, you're sadly mistaken. He said in such a calm voice, I was frightened.

"You don't even care about her. You can have sex with other girls, and I mean, girls and still have the audacity to call her your wife!" I yelled at him.

He stormed towards me and pushed me back against the fireplace before slamming his fist in my face. My hands drew to my face in pain. I dropped the photos and the frames shattered. I looked up at my father who was now frowning. I got down on my knees and started sifting through the glass to pick up the photos. I was heaving as I sniffled.


"Don't fucking touch me! Don't you ever touch me again!" I yelled brushing his hand off my arm. I felt sharp pains in my fingertips from the glass as I collected the photos.

"Kaysee, you're hurting yourself. Let's just go." Tommy said softly.

"No, I wanna take her with me." I said as I continued to pick them up.

"Kaysee.." Tommy picked me up and took me out the house. I felt the cold wet air and I calmed down a bit. He put me in the car and started driving.

"I'm sorry." He said softly.

I nodded and wiped my face. My fingertips were bloody, so Tommy took me to a 24-hour Shopper's Drug Mart and bought a first aid kit. He crouched down in front of me and cleaned the small cuts, and wrapped them up in the parking lot. We headed to his house, I wasn't comfortable but he assured me that everything was going to be alright.

An Interracial Love Story: Teenage Love AffairWhere stories live. Discover now