Chapter 3

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Because I love you all, I have posted another chapter. Please let me know what you think.

She didn't know when she fell asleep, all she knew was that it happened. She knew that because she was being woken up slowly. She opened her eyes and was met by the sun. The first thing she noticed when she did open her eyes, was the fact that she wasn't tied up and she wasn't in the same room. She felt a comfortable mattress underneath her. A pillow under her head and a blanket on top of her. She also noticed of the other presence in the room. She sat straight up and was met by seeing Killian in a chair across the room. He was staring at her intensely. She sat up ignoring her pounding headache and looked back at him. He stood up and brought her a tray of food that was sitting on the table. He placed it in front of her and she looked at it cautiously.

"Just eat, please." He said softly.

She picked up the fork and dug into the eggs that sat on the plate. "What is on your agenda today?"

He shrugged. "A little of this, a little of that. I'm a busy man."

She nodded. "I bet you are."

"You're boyfriend is looking for you, by the way."

"I don't care. When I turn up dead he can stop."

"Why did you stay with him?"

She took a deep breath. "It wasn't by choice, if that's what you are thinking. He kept me in his sight at all times."

He nodded. "I had a girlfriend once. After I lost my family, I met her. She was an older woman, but I fell in love with her. Turned out she had a son and a husband. She wanted to run away with me, but I left her behind. I moved here to Boston and left her with her family."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"You told me so much about you, I figured you'd like to hear something about me."

She finished off the last piece of bacon on the plate and drank the rest of her orange juice. "Thanks for the breakfast."

He took the tray and placed it on the table. "No problem, lass." He held out his hand for her and she took it. He helped her off the bed and brought her over to another room that was in the bedroom. "The bathroom is right here. There are clothes in there that will fit you. Take a shower and take as long as you need to."

She went into the bathroom and he started to walk away. She wanted to know why he was being kind to her. She was nothing but a person he was going to kill. She was going to have her very own hook drawn on her arm from her own blood. She worked at the police station and she knew everything there was to know about the case involving him and his victims. They were covered in bruises, and he killed the same day he abducted. She was lucky to even be alive right now. What was so different about her, that made him change his mind?

Killian walked into the kitchen and put the dishes into the sink and started to clean them. He wasn't going to think about the girl that was upstairs in his bedroom right now. He knew that he had gone out of his typical routine. He would kidnap, kill, and dump the body. He wouldn't move the person to his bed. He wouldn't offer them showers and give them breakfast. He heard the water shut off in the bathroom so he put the rest of the dishes down and went back upstairs. He shut the door loud enough so Emma would know that he was back in the room.

Emma was looking at herself in the mirror in the clothes that Killian had given her. They were obviously his because of the sizes. It was a black shirt that reached her mid-thigh. He gave her a pair of his boxers and sweatpants. She pulled the strings tight so they wouldn't fall down. She heard the door shut and knew that he was back. At least he gave her a warning. She just wished that this guy would get on with his plan and do whatever he was planning to do with her.

Emma thought more about the handsome man behind the bathroom door. There was no denying that he was hot, and she never would have suspected him to be a criminal. He was so charming and had such a flirty attitude, someone would just think that it was just some guy trying to pick up a woman to sleep with for the night, which he probably did outside of his killing schedule.

She opened the door and he was laying on the bed watching the door, waiting for her to come out. When she did, she saw how he was trying to hide the smile that was forming on his face. It made butterflies flutter around in her stomach. She was never allowed to wear Walsh's clothes. Not even when they first got together.

"I've never been kidnapped before, so what am I going to do?" She asked like it was the most casual question in the world.

"We are going to play a little game, Emma." He said as he sat up. He patted the space of the bed silently telling her to sit down. "You've heard of 21 questions, correct?"

She nodded. "Who hasn't?"

"Well, I'm going to ask you 21 questions, and you are going to answer them. All of them."

"I understand."

He smiled. It was a beautiful smile, and whether it was fake or not, she wanted to see more of those smiles. "Good."

"Thank you for letting me shower, and giving me the clothes." She said.

His smile grew. "It's not a problem. I do enjoy seeing you in my clothes." 'What? No. You can't do this, Jones. You know what if feels like to have the rush when you kill. It's going to hurt you if you keep this up. No. She is giving you the rush.' He told himself. 'You like to kill, so does this mean you like her?' "Ready to play?" He asked breaking himself out of his thoughts.

Emma moved her gaze to the nightstand. She saw the gun that sat there, and something told her that he wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger if he needed to. "Yea. I-I think so."

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