Chapter 26

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"Are you gonna talk to me again?" Killian asked.

Emma remained silent. She stared at the endless cornfields on the side of the road. Farmers would need to go there for the next few months, and everything around her reminded her of what Killian had done. It was for her safety, but she couldn't help but feel guilty about it. He was just trying to protect her.

"You can't stay silent forever."

She wanted to fire back a response, but decided against it. He wasn't going to get anything but the silent treatment.

"I only did it to protect you, love. That's the only reason why I did it. You can be mad all you want, but I did it for you."

"But I didn't ask you to!" She yelled.

"And I still would have done it if you had." She stayed silent. "Look, I understand that you are scared, but guess what! Now you don't have to be."

"I told you to stop, but you didn't listen to me." Emma's voice cracked as she spoke.

"Well why would I listen to you? You're just the woman! You don't make the orders!"

"I'm sorry, what?" She asked. Tears forming in her eyes. "What did you just say to me?"

"I didn't mean it like that."

"Oh no, I know exactly how you meant it." She crossed her arms over her chest and looked out the window again.


"Just shut up and drive."

He sighed and continued on, not saying a word. After a few more hours, the car was running low on gas. Killian pulled into a gas station and gave one last look at Emma before he got out of the car. After he disappeared into the store, tears spilled over and onto her cheeks. She hated fighting with him. She hated when he was angry at her, which wasn't too often. Hardly at all even. The passenger side door opened and she felt his arms wrap around her, enveloping her in his warmth. She let out a sob and he stroked her hair.

"Shh, love. It's okay. Everything is okay." He said and pressed a kiss to her temple.

"Is it? Cause I don't think so." She pulled away and wiped her tears away.

"I hate when you're upset. And I hate it even more when you don't let me comfort you."

"Get it the car, and let's go."

Killian did as he was told and got into the car. "It will only be an hour or so until we get to Storybrooke."

"Okay." She glanced over at him. "Are you mad at me?"

"No. I can never be mad at you. But, no matter what you do or have done, I will have already forgive you and I will always love you." He grabbed her hand but kept his eyes on the road. "I know it won't be as easy to do that with me, but I want you to try."

She sniffed and nodded. "I know."

For the rest of the drive, they were quiet, but Emma still kept her hand in his. He held onto her loosely incase she wanted to pull away, but she never did. Killian smiled at the progress they had made since the morning. He knew Emma couldn't stay mad at him forever, but it was going to take some time for her to completely forgive him.

"We have arrived in Storybrooke." Killian said in a robotic voice to imitate the GPS.

Emma giggled and he raised her hand to his lips. She blushed and turned to him in her seat. "I'm sorry."

"Aye, I am too."

"You know that I love you, right?"

"Of course I do. And I love you too. More than you'll ever know."

"I know."

He smiled and pulled up to a bed and breakfast. On a sign it said, "Granny's Bed and Breakfast." Emma went to check in while Killian grabbed the luggage. After an older woman gave Emma a key, Killian went to the room and brought the two suitcases in and placed them by the bed.

"Let's go for a hike." Killian suggested.

"I don't know. I've had a lot of people contact. It would be best if I just stay in here unless I absolutely need to come out." Emma said.

"No, we're starting over, and that means coming out and having fun. We'll be out for an hour, come back here and get some food, and meet some more people, and then go to bed. What do you say?"

"Alright, fine. Let's go."

Killian grabbed her hand and led them out to the car. He drove to the beginning of the woods and they got out. He had a backpack filled with water bottles and small bags of trail mix.

They hiked through the forest, dodging branches and bushes. Killian stopped in his tracks and Emma almost ran into his back.

"What's wrong? Why are we stopping?" Emma asked.

"Do you hear that?" He asked.

"Hear what?"

He grabbed her hand and ran off, dragging her behind him. "This." He said pointing to the small river.

"Well now I do." Killian started taking off his shoes and socks. Emma gave him a confused look. "What are you doing."

"Going for a swim. Join me?"

Emma thought about it for a moment while Killian jumped into the water. She took her shoes off and Killian hooted and hollered.

"Good decision, love! Jump in and I'll catch you." He said holding his arms out.

Emma unbuttoned her shirt and slipped it off her body. Killian's face twisted up into a smirk and Emma jumped in next to him, splashing water all over him. She came back up and he had a pouty face on.

"You told me to join you." She explained, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I said that you should jump into my arms."

"But what if you weren't going to catch me?"

"I'll always catch you, Swan. Never ever doubt that."

Emma nodded and smiled. An evil glint in her eye as she splashed Killian with more water. He laid on his back and kicked his feet, sending water into Emma's direction.

"Not fair!" She whined when he stopped.

"You started this war, Ms. Swan. I think it's only fair that I get to finish it." He said playfully and sent more water in her face.

"Okay, okay, I surrender!" She giggled. "I'd wave a white flag but I don't have anything white."

"I think a kiss will do quite nicely."

She swam over to him and draped her arms around his neck. Killian placed his hand on Emma's waist and inched closer to her lips until she finally closed the gap.

Emma shivered and he pulled away, dragging her to the ledge. "We should go back and shower and change. I don't want you getting sick." He shook his hair like a dog, shaking water everywhere. He put on his jeans and shirt, then helped Emma, even though she insisted that she didn't need it.

"Thank you." She pulled her hair up into a ponytail and Killian held out his leather jacket.

"Are you still cold, love?"

She shook her head. "No, I just want to go to sleep."

"Then off to our room we go!" He said holding out his fist in the air and speed-walking a few feet in front of her. Emma giggled but it caught in her throat when she saw the gun in his pants.

'He's not going to hurt anyone.' She chanted in her head as she marched after him.

It's not a happy Once Day. I was excited for it, but then I remembered that there is a funeral today. But if it is Robin who dies because of Hades, (NOTICE I SAID IF!) after Hades is defeated, wouldn't be come back to life? Something like with what happened with Pan's shadow and the Blue Fairy?

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