Chapter 4

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Little bit of a mature chapter here. It's pretty much mature from here on out.

Trigger warnings: Abuse

"What was your life like?" He asked.

"It was like shit. Everyone abandoned me." She replied.

"What is your relationship like with Walsh?"

She hesitated before answering. "He keeps me locked up inside our apartment and keeps me in his sights at all times. I'm supposed to play the perfect little housewife. Clean, cook, wait on him hand and foot. If I don't do what he says, he'll punish me."

"And what does he do?"

Tears were starting to form in her eyes. "I don't-"

"Answer it please, love." He put his hand on her knee. "Just tell me."

"H-he beats me. With his hand or a belt. He's broken a few of my bones before too."

"What do you do for a living?"

"I don't do anything."

"What about your life in the foster system?"

"I was tossed around. I had a family until I was three but then they sent me back. Nobody wanted me. I'm just a lost little girl, looking for her family. A lost little girl who doesn't matter and never will."

"Do you want me to let you go?"

"You aren't going to, so why should I answer that?"

"I think you want freedom, but you don't want to be back out there. You're scared that Walsh is going to find you and you'll never be free."

She shut her eyes tight. "You don't know me."

"I don't, but I want to." He grabbed her hands. "You're different. You're just like me. I'm not going to kill you. But, I won't let you leave either. I want to be your friend."

"Are you sure about that? Nothing good will come from me being around you."

"Neither with me, but I'm willing to try if you are."

She looked into his blue eyes. The sparking blue eyes that reminded her of the ocean that she could drown in. "Okay."

He smiled. "Good."

She looked at the clock that sat on the nightstand next to the gun. It wasn't too late in the day. It was just about 1:00. She tried to fight it, but her eyes caught sight of the gun. He followed her gaze and saw her looking at the black weapon. He picked it up and put it in his jeans.

"I understand your worry, but I promise I won't hurt you." He said.

She nodded. "What if he finds me?"

"Believe me, he won't. I destroyed your phone and threw all of the pieces into the river. You're safe."

"Thanks." She said sarcastically.

"Don't worry, love. I'll buy you a new phone. Just as soon as I know I can trust you."

She squinted her eyes. "I don't have any friends or family. I am not calling Walsh, and why would I run when you are promising me that I will like staying here?"

He shrugged. He couldn't help but feel bad for her. He got fallen under the siren's charms. How could Walsh still be sane? He wanted to wrap his arms around her. Whisper sweet things into her ear. Tell her how beautiful she was. Tell her how she didn't deserve any of the things that happened and are happening to her, and that he was going to protect her through it all.

"Now, when you say locked up, what do you mean by that. Explain it, would you, love?" Killian asked.

"I can't leave unless he is with me. I hardly get to use the car. When I do, he has to be with me." Emma said.

He nodded. "It will be like that here for awhile, but I promise that it will be a little bit better than with him."

"How many other people have you done this with?"

"None. You are the first."

"Why do you want to get to know me?"

He chuckled. "I thought this was my game!"

She gave him a look that said 'just tell me.'

He sighed. "If you must know, I see a lot of myself in you. I was a lost little boy. I had a rough childhood and it screwed me up."

She laughed. "We'll be screwed up together."

He nodded. They talked and laughed for the rest of the afternoon. She glanced at the clock and it said 5:15. Just then, Emma's stomach growled and Killian laughed.

"Let's go make dinner." He suggested holding his hand out for her. She nodded and took it and he led her down into the kitchen. He pulled out a pot, a few jars of spaghetti sauce, and some noodles. He filled the pot up with water and placed it on the stove. "Okay, so now we just wait for the water to boil, then we'll put it together."

"I've made spaghetti before, Killian. I know the process."

"But you don't know my process." He said with a smirk. She giggled as he got out some bread sticks from the freezer. "Here, love. Open those and put them on the pan."

She nodded and did what she was told. "Do you have a job, Killian?"

"Aye, I own a boat company. Most of the work I do is at home."

"I take it that you have been sailing then?"

"Many times. I love the water. I practically lived in it."

"It must be nice."

"Wait, are you saying that you've never been sailing before?"

"I never have been, but that's not what I'm saying."

He smirked at her again. "I'll take you one day. It's amazing."

They finished making dinner and ate in front of the tv. Emma praised him on the food and he returned it. Later that night, they settled down and put a comedy movie on and she ended up falling asleep during it. Killian watched her sleep. He watched how her chest rose and fell steadily. He brushed the hair out of her face and shut the movie off. He picked her up and brought her to his bedroom and tucked her in, then laying down next to her. She snuggled into his chest while sleeping, and he smiled at the thought.

"Goodnight, Emma." He whispered before draping his arm around her waist.

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