Chapter 19

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Neal was had been visiting Killian's house everyday for the past week. When Neal pulled up in the driveway, Killian was working on his blue SUV. It had broken down and he had to figure out what was wrong with it. Emma was sitting on the porch, watching Killian run back and forth between the car and the garage.

"Hey, Jones, do you need some help?" Neal asked.

Killian turned around. His dark hair was falling in front of his eyes. He was wearing jeans and had a dirty, greasy rag over his shoulder. His hands were covered in grease from the car, painting his fingertips and palms a dark black color. Small beads of sweat were forming on his bare chest and shoulders because of the hot sun. "I could actually use some help, if you don't mind."

"Sure." Neal went up to the car and looked around. He dug into the jumble of wires and car parts. After a few seconds, Neal took his hands away and looked at his friend. "Start it up."

Killian grabbed his keys and did as he was told. Instead of spitting and sputtering, the engine gave a nice, loud purr. "How did you do that?" A wave of embarrassment washed over him. He had been working on the damn car for two hours, and it only took Neal two seconds. He was secretly hoping that Emma hadn't been watching to see his failure, and Neal's success.


Killian rolled his eyes and backed the car up into the garage. When he came out, Neal was sitting next to Emma, having what appeared to be a funny conversation because of the huge smile on her face. He went in to clean up and get a shirt on.

Neal started leaning in, and Emma saw as his eyes closed. She leaned back and he suddenly stopped.

"Well this is awkward." Neal said.

"What did you think? That I was going to kiss you back? I'm in a relationship!"

"I apologize, Emma. I just thought that you felt like I do."

"You are insane. I don't like you like that. How could you betray Killian like that?"

"Killian got all of the women back in high school, and he continues to now. I was stupid to think that you would like me back. You are obviously out of my league."

'Ya think?' "For both of our sakes, I won't tell Killian."

Neal breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you."

When Killian came back, Emma was in the kitchen and Neal was in the living room.

"Where is your boyfriend?" Killian spat the word out like venom as he grabbed a glass and started filling it up with water.

"My boyfriend is standing right in front of me. What's going on?" Emma asked.


She put her hand on his upper arm, but he escaped her grip as if it burned when she touched him. "Killian?"

He ignored her and went into the living room. Emma sighed and rolled her eyes and went out with the guys. She sat down on the couch far away from all of them.

"So, I'm only in town for a few more days, but I still have to go and see Mary Margaret and David. You in, Killian?" Neal asked.

"Sadly, no. I'm a bit behind in my work so I have to stay back." Killian said.

"What about you, Emma?"

"Oh, well, I'd have to stay back too. I have to make sure that Killian stays in check." She said.

"Yep, he can be a handful." He looked down at his watch. "Well, it was lovely meeting you and hanging out with you for the past week, Emma. Killian, I hope I can visit again. Or you both can take a trip to Tallahassee and visit me."

Killian stood up and was all too eager to show his 'friend' the door. He watched as Neal left and he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He turned around and Emma was staring at him, giving him a disappointed look.

"What?" He finally asked.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She asked.


"That isn't going to work a second time. All this week, you have been acting weird. Why?"

He sighed and grabbed a bottle of rum from the alcohol cabinet and sat down on the couch. He tossed her the bottle. "Open that, would you?"

She twisted the cap off and handed it back to him. "Will you tell me what had your panties in a twist all week?"

"You didn't see how Neal was looking at you? How he was so tentative to you? He kept flirting with you."

"I did notice. But I didn't do anything."

"Obviously." He mumbled as he took a swig of the amber liquid.

"I didn't do anything because I didn't care. I chose you, didn't I?"

"But you chose me before you met him. You can always change your mind, and leave me for him."

"Don't think like that. I barely know him. But I do know you, and what I know, is that I want to spend my time with you. I love you."

"I'm a bloody fool."

"I know. Now, let's put down the rum, and go upstairs." She said giving him a knowing smirk.

He smiled back. A naughty glint in his eyes. "I love you too, Swan." He said as she brought led him upstairs.

"I know."

"Do you promise that you won't leave me?"

"I thought I'd be the one to say that."

He turned to her and looked her dead in the eyes. "Do you promise?" Killian repeated.

Emma nodded. "I wouldn't leave you for anything."

He smiled and kissed her. He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his legs. He threw her on the bed and towered over her, going straight for her shirt and lifting it over her head. She tugged on the collar of his shirt and pulled his lips to hers.

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