Chapter 12

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Killian woke up before Emma did. The blankets were covering his bottom half, but covering her whole body. He smiled as the blonde beauty came into his mind. Every time he closed his eyes, images of what they did flooded his mind. He knew one thing though, he didn't regret a single thing. He knew now that he loved Emma. If she felt the same, he didn't know. But he did know that these weren't temporary feelings. He didn't even feel this way about Milah. Not as strongly. The woman on his chest started to stir, and snuggle deeper into his chest. He chuckled and twirled a piece of her hair around on his fingers. He felt warm kisses being placed on his skin, and knew immediately that Emma was awake.

"Good morning, beautiful." He said.

She looked up into his eyes and kissed the tip of his nose. "Good morning, handsome."

"How do you feel?"

She blushed. "Amazing."

He hesitated for a moment. "Do you- Do you regret anything?"

"Absolutely not."

"Good, because this is what I can get used to in the morning." She giggled and blushed again. He kissed her sweetly and got out of the bed and headed towards the bathroom. "Do you want to shower?" Emma nodded and stood, following him to the bathroom.

After their shower, the two walked downstairs and he started breakfast while she watched the news. It was the normal traffic and weather segments and other issues that were going on in the neighborhood. She then continued watching until her face came onto the screen.

A news anchor was interviewing the police chief, Graham Humbert.

"Could Miss Swan's disappearance be linked to Hook?" The woman asked.

Emma's heart stopped in her chest. Her blood ran cold. Was Killian a suspect?

Graham shook his head. "Absolutely not. Hook has never once been a suspect in this case. His typical routine has been abduct, kill, and dump for as long as we can remember. Emma has been missing for five days now. We have suspicion that she is already dead, but without evidence, we can't be sure." Graham said.

Emma caught her breath again. Everything was okay. For now.

Killian walked back in with two cereal bowls in his hands. He gave her a wink as he sat down.

"Are you still missing, Miss Swan?" He asked sarcastically.

She giggled. "Yep, and I don't want to be found." Her smile then turned into a serious face. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm great."

"You can talk to me about this."

"I'm serious, I'm fine. You are acting as my fail safe, love. And damn, if I keep holding myself back from killing, then I hope to get more of what I got last night and this morning."

She blushed and rolled her eyes. "Maybe you will."

They watched tv for the rest of the morning, but Emma started getting squirmy. She wasn't used to sitting this much. She was used to making meals, cleaning the house, and waiting on Walsh. Killian noticed how she was tapping her feet or drumming her fingers on her leg. He grabbed her hand and she stopped immediately.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm bored." She said plainly.

"Well, I know a few activities that could keep both of us busy."

"Killian, I'm not used to this."

"What? Not doing anything?"

"Yes. I was always kept on my toes."

"Too bad, love. As long as you're here, you won't have to lift a finger for me."

"I want to know more about you. Tell me something?"

He sighed and pulled her into his lap. She played with the strands of his hair as he looked at her.

"My mother was a beautiful woman. She loved me and my brother. We meant the world to her. One day, she got sick. Her health decreased so much, and no doctors could do anything about it. Liam, my father, and I got to say our goodbyes, when she passed away that night." Tears started to form in his eyes.

"Killian, you don't have to continue."

"Just listen." He begged. His head fell onto her shoulder and she continued to play with his hair as he finished his story. "My father watched me and Liam. He wasn't doing too well with us alone. I went to bed one night, but in the morning, my father was gone. He left both of us to fend for ourselves. We ended up falling into an orphanage. Neither of us got adopted, but Liam was a few years older than me. Once he got out and got a steady job, he took me out of the system and we lived together, making money by starting a boat and ship company. A few years later, I was sitting in the office going through some files when Liam came running in, telling me he had signed up for the navy and was leaving in two weeks from that day. Emma, after he left, I never saw him again. He died at sea."

"Killian, stop. It's okay. You don't have to finish."

He nodded as more tears began to fall. Emma rubbed his arm in a comforting way to try to calm him down. It appeared to have worked because he stopped crying soon after.

He sat up and she wiped his eyes.

"You must think I'm a weakling." He spat, ashamed of himself.

"No! Just because you cry doesn't mean you are weak or sensitive. You are so strong. Everyone needs to cry. Even you. A guy who cries is stronger because he isn't afraid to show his emotions."

Killian brought her in for a hug and Emma gladly returned it. The words were on the tip of her tongue, but she couldn't say them. She wanted to tell him how she truly felt about him. She wanted to tell him that she loved him. She was just scared. Scared that he would run away. She was terrified that he didn't feel the same way. She wanted to be loved for once in her life, and not have the person run away or turn on her.

I'll be adding more snapchat names today, but mine is captainswan0815

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