Chapter 50

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As Emma and Killian returned from the honeymoon, she was practically bouncing with excitement to see her daughter again. They pulled up to the Mary Margaret and David's loft and got out of the car. Running up the steps and opening the door, they were surprised as they saw Regina and Robin already there. Henry and Roland playing with Eve on the carpet.

"Oh shit. Robin, you were supposed to be lookout!" Regina yelled at him.

"Surprise!" Everyone yelled half-heartedly.

"Welcome home!" Mary Margaret said excitedly and pulled both Killian and Emma into a hug. "We missed you so much!"

Emma pulled away first and went to Eve. The toddler held her hands up and Emma picked her up and placed her on her hip.

"We missed you, baby girl!" Emma said happily and tickled her daughter's stomach. Eve giggled and tried to push Emma's hand away.

"Mama, stop!" She said with laughter.

Killian soon joined and blew a raspberry on Eve's cheek.

"You guys are such a perfect little family." Mary Margaret said with awe.

After returning home with Eve, Killian put her down for a nap while Emma unpacked the suitcases. She threw the dirty laundry into the washing machine. She went into the living room to pick up Eve's toys.

"Love, go and relax, and I'll do this." Killian told her.

"I was relaxing. I had a whole week of it. It's time to clean now." She said.

She could tell he was rolling his eyes. He sat down on the couch and pulled her down onto his lap.

"Eve is sleeping, so she'll be out for at least two hours. Why don't you and I go upstairs and rest." He smirked.

She blushed. "God, Killian. Why do you have to make comments like that?"

"Because I know it gets you turned on." He raised an eyebrow at her and she blushed even harder, making her entire face red. "Swan, you are so beautiful."

"I have to go clean." She got off of his lap and went into the bathroom. She splashed water onto her face to calm herself down.

When she emerged, he was in the kitchen starting dinner. He opened the pizza box and put the pizza into the oven.

"Do you want to watch some Netflix?" He asked.

Emma smiled but shook her head. She did though. She wanted to sit and have a relaxing evening with him, but even after almost three years, her habits still weren't broken. She still found herself doing the chores when they needed done. He turned on the next episode of House M.D. and wrapped his arms tightly around her.

A kissing scene between Chase and Cameron happened, and inside, Killian hated it. He hated seeing her with him because Cameron looked so much like Emma, it was like Emma was cheating on him with the actor who looked like Chase. He paused the tv and kissed her on the lips.

"Cmon, Emma, just relax." Killian whispered in her ear.

"Mmm." She moaned as he kissed her neck. "You are so stubborn."

"Yes. Is it a shame that I want to spend all the time with my wife as I can?"

"No, but-"

"But nothing, Swan. Eve's room is clean, there is a pizza in the oven, and everything is taken care of. After all this time, you still think that you are alone in this, but it's my job to make sure you don't feel that way. So please, quit stressing over everything all the time."

"Killian." She sighed and moved off of his lap. "Don't you understand? I just can't. I can't forget about everything."

"Then I'll do whatever it takes to make it right."

The oven timer went off and Emma jumped up from the couch. "Go get Eve."

Killian sighed but nodded. "This isn't over!"

"For now it is." She whispered to herself.

When he returned with a sleepy Eve, Emma placed a plate of cut up pizza in front of her daughter. Her eyes brightened and she grabbed the fork and began to eat. Emma had a hollow smile on her face. She could feel Killian's eyes on her as she watched her daughter.

That evening after Eve went to bed, Emma and Killian snuggled on the couch and watched a movie. He drew soothing patterns on her skin and she sighed happily. Emma pressed a kiss to his chest and his grip on her tightened.

"You gave me a family, Killian." She whispered. "And I couldn't be happier."

"I know." He chuckled. "After this, do you want to head to bed?"

"Sure. As long as you're coming with me."

"Always, love. I'll follow you to hell if I have to."

"And I for you." She turned around and straddled him. They pressed their foreheads together and kissed.

After a few moments, Killian swiped his tongue over her bottom lip, asking for entrance. She accepted and they roamed each other's mouths. Killian then climbed on top of her, but didn't break the kiss. He placed kisses down her jawline and Emma moaned her appreciation. He took that as a sign of encouragement and worked his way down her body. Just as he was about to undo the buttons on her shirt, Emma held her hand out, stopping him.

"You can say no." He told her.

"I know, but I don't want to." She sat up and he went up with her. "What I want is to continue this upstairs."

He smirked. "Fantastic." He scrambled off the couch and shut the television off and held out his hand for her. Emma took it and pulled herself off of the couch. "Ladies first."

"You just want to look at my ass."

He held his hands up in defeat. "Guilty." Emma giggled and then yelled in surprise when he picked her up and swept her off her feet. "Shh, love. Wouldn't want to wake Eve and kill the mood, now would you?"

Emma blushed as he carried her to the bedroom where he placed her down on the bed and climbed over her, and began to kiss her again.

Writing this story has been a blast! If you have read this story around the time that I published it and stick with it, and then went back to read it again, the ending is a little different. Wattpad deleted the ending and I couldn't remember how I ended it, so I just rewrote it.

Anyway! 50 chapters of this fun story. I love it.

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