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"God, Anna! Please help me!" Reed screams.

Turning to meet him, I see him on the ground, grasping his leg. Moving in panic, I wrap his arm around me, heaving him to his feet. "It's alright, Reed. I'm going to get you back to Dr. Woodward. Let's take cover first."

Moving with him, I try desperately to find coverage. Reed, some others in our group, and I were out on a run earlier when all of a sudden, a sniper was aiming down on us from a rooftop. That crazy, son of a bitch didn't seem like he was in his right mind, probably mistaking us for biters. 

Finding an old diner, I pick up my pace, dragging Reed up the stairs. The moans which followed us grew louder, as they approach closer. Turning to watch the dead bodies, which somehow have to energy and mindset to move, descend from the door, lumbering their way after us.

Coming to a door in front of us, I practically shove Reed down, which he groans in protest to. Shutting the see through door, which I assume is an office door, I lock it immediately. Moving back to Reed, I try to ignore the moans coming from the other side of the glass door. This isn't going to hold us in for long. Eventually with all their weight, they're going to break the door.

"Anna," Reed coughs out, holding his chest in pain.

Turning my attention to him calling my name, I allow him to rest his head in my lap. Sighing, I feel the day's events overwhelm my thoughts, draining me from any energy I may have had let. After all these years, this what not how I thought I was going to die.

Jumping at the sound of gunshots, my attention turns back towards the biters, as they seem to drop one by one. Zeroing in on a shadow, I try to make them out in them out in the light barren room. Somewhere in that time period, Reed seemed to pass out.

As the last biter falls from its position, I finally am able to get some sort of idea his features. His shaggy, dark hair sticks to his forehead from sweat, while his blue eyes pierce through my own green eyes. He has a built figure, standing around five feet and eight inches.

Clearing my throat, I speak up, "Thanks, from both of us."

The man doesn't seem to acknowledge my words, probably not caring for my words, "He bit?"

I shake my head, explaining the situation we had just escaped from. "Gunshot. Some crazy asshole is sniping at us and car alarms from a rooftop. I dragged Reed in here... they followed."

"Who's us? You two?" He asks.

"Got a whole team out there... or did. We savage local supplies for survivors camps. We rescue them, protect them. I was taking him to our Doctor."

He raises his brows in complete shock, "There're survivor camps?"

I look at him like he's an idiot. Everyone around here knows that there are, my group is known by many. Even the more reason as to why we're such a huge target to others, considering we have more medical supplies than any other area around here. "Uh, yeah? The military supplies some of them with weapons, food, medication. There's a big one at Cherokee saw mill. We were doing pretty well till that psycho-sniper guy showed up, and brought a whole mob of biters on top of us. We were split up... pinned down... killed. One of our survivors is in the old theater across the street. You bring her back, I'll give you something in return. Got a lot of goodies in my duffle bag. Interested?" I offer him.

He nods, "Yeah... I'll see what I can do."

I nod and smile, "Thanks. Her name's Mia. Tell her Scout sent you. Be careful out there, Hillbilly. Try not to get bit or shot."

Without saying another word, he nods in agreement, and disperses from the scene.


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