Part 2: Woodbury

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I gently flutter my eyes open. I feel a warm sensation rapped around my cold bitter body. I look at my surroundings. I'm in a cave? I lift my body, groaning in pain as I try to move my leg. I close my eyes and sit there for a while. When I open them, I see Merle. He sits on a rock, skinning squirrels and a rabbit. I watch him play with his knife, looking at the pile of squirrel pelts.

I groan again, catching his attention. "Your up" I slowly nod, still groaning in pain. He gets up and leans down feeling my forehead, "What happened?" He bits his lip, pain in his eyes, "You were shot. You've been out for a few days.... you were running a fever and out cold. I climbed down the drop off and carried you here. Tyler's getting help" I start to shiver at the memory. He stops and thinks for a moment then carries on, "I'm sorry......"

Suddenly I hear a holler, "There you guys are! They're in ---" I see Tyler approach the cave calling for someone but before he could finish the sentence I black out.

End of Dream/Flashback


8 months.... 8 months passed since the farm. Winter came and was gone. After being saved by Michonne -the mysterious hooded figure- Andrea, her, and I have been running. Michonne has two pet walkers she uses for camouflage to hide our scent from other walkers. The smell of DEATH.

During the winter Andrea had gotten sick, so Michonne and I have been on runs, getting as much medication as we could. Walkers have been disappearing and haven't really been a problem, it was finding food that was hard. Creatures were hibernating all winter long so we didn't have squirrels or any prey. The winter was bitter and harsh, the snow was past my hips which was hard to run in. Andrea had fallen into thin ice while running from walkers, that's how she got sick. I dove in and saved her life.

We haven't seen any of the members of the group. Not Tyler, not June, not Daryl, not Carol, which made my heart sink.

Michonne, Andrea, and I walk into a field. The snow had cleared up a few days ago so there was only slush. I love jumping in it and kick it, sometimes slipping. Andrea would laugh but Michonne would stay her normal emotion, nothing. She's a mystery to me. She hasn't talked about her past, she hasn't really said a word. It's like if she speak once, her tongue will be ripped out. It's like she's worried what she's going to say. Andrea and I both earned her trust but she still won't speak.

Suddenly a startling noise awakens me from my thoughts. I look up in the sky to see a helicopter failing, crashing a few yards away from us. We start to run towards the chopper, not caring paying attention to the noise coming from behind us.

We approach the chopper to see a walker dressed in a military uniform, split in half. It's odor swirls around my nose as I gag at the smell. How is it a walker? I don't see any bite marks. Maybe he had scratches under his uniform and when he died he crashed the chopper. Just like what happened to our chopper and pilot.

Andrea turns around and starts to puke. Hearing her gag makes my stomach turn. I start puking to, but Michonne just stands there, with her pet walkers on chains.


I hear a far off gunshot. I look in the direction the shot had came and see trucks approaching our way. Michonne grabs Andreas hand and pushing her behind a bush. I clutch my slingshot, tucking my knife and gun in my pockets. I run towards the closest tree and heave myself up the rough bark of the trunk.

I watch from the branch I sit on, cupping my hands over my eyes, making them look like binoculars. I see a grey truck approach the chopper and out steps a man. He and three other men walk towards the walker which lays on the ground. He loads his gun and pulls the trigger on the walker.

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