Merle and I

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My heart rate pumps faster when I see Merle come back alone. He has a scratch across his face, looks like a knife did it. I jump den from the wall and run towards him. He mumbles under his breath, but I can't understand what he's saying. Then I look into his eyes. They're cold, bitter, and sad. That ain't good. Three of those things together don't make a perfect match. "You ok?" I ask, pulling out a rag and wiping the blood off his face. He just stares at me, "What happened?" He still stays silent and pushes past me. I look at him, his head hanging on his shoulders.

He looks up at the man on the wall, Martinez I think his name is. "You better be happy!" He scowls. Martinez looks at him, lowering his head. Merle rolls his eyes and opens the gate open. I stand there, in disbelief. What the hell happened?! What did he do?! I give Martinez a look, but he simply tries to ignore my stare. I make my way inside the walls, watching as Merle disappears into our apartment building. I lock it behind me and rush inside the building, skipping stairs after stairs. I reach our door and pause. I look to my right to see Andrea staring at me. She gives me a look of confusion, "What the hell just happened? I heard a door slam shut, rattling the walls. Then I heard Merle screaming."

I shrug, twisting the doorknob and entering. Merle sits on the bed, back faced to me. "Fuck!" He yells out. I close the door behind me and move to the bed, sitting behind him. "You ok?" He doesn't say anything, like he doesn't even know I'm here.

"Just doing y job, sweetheart. Nothing more...." He grumbles, still with his back faced to me.

My heart sinks at the tone of his voice. I haven't seen him this upset before. He's acting like he just lost someone.... Daryl...??

I don't dare ask any more questions. "Lets go do something. Like go to the library or something. Just to get y mind off of..... things...." He turns to me. I nod as he stands up and pushes past me, opening the door and walking down the hallway.

Just seeing him like this, breaks my heart. What if he found Daryl dead?! Maybe that's why he's so upset. What was his job anyways? And why did it involve Martinez? Nothing's making sense in this town!

I catch up to Merle walking down the street and towards the library. I run up to his side and pant in heat. The temperature is rising, which is weird since its only spring. I wipe the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand. Merle still frowns as he scans the bookshelves. I grab 'World Records' scanning through the pictures. I've always loved looking at these books. It's amazing how people have unique talents that are rare. Always wishing I had a talent like some of these people.

Maybe like being able to kill 3 walkers with one shot, or being immune to the virus, or be the one to find a cure. But there's no way I'd be able to. Daryl has a talent of hunting. Mere has a talent of surviving and being a total jackass. Their dad had a talent of beating them to the core, but that ain't something to be proud of. Especially that. And here I am.... Just same boring Scout Dixon!!!

Merle sits across from me, reading 'Bag of Bones' by Stephen King. I think I've read or seen it on TV before. But I don't know, I never watched TV much. Merle's eyes move back and forth as he starts to read. I don't dare ask him again, hoping I just can get some peace and quiet, try to process all this.

"Merle......??" I start, hoping to at least get something out of him. He looks up from his book, "What do you see....? What happened to you? You haven't talked to me at all really. You know you can tell me anything. were both on the same side." Wait... What about Phillip? I'm pretty sure he has something to do with this!

"Nothing.... Nothing to be concerned about sweetheart. Just.... Work. Nothing's wrong...." I wanted to scream at him to tell me, but I simply just nod and go back to my book.

I look at a picture with a boy standing in the middle of a room, with an arrow through his head. I bring the book closer to my eyes, to examine the boy more. How the fuck can he have an arrow through his head? I hope he died along time ago so he doesn't turn, or if I ever 'probably not' see that little boy, holy shit! There's no way anybody would be able to kill him. They'd probably have to cut off his head and bury it in a body of water or bury it underground. Because there's no possible way to kill him.

Nightfall hits, as Merle and I exit the library. "You go on ahead to our room. I got something I need to do..." He says. I nod as he brushes pass me and heads into the darkness. I stand there till he disappears. Where's he going now?

I shake him off and climb the stairs until I reach out room. Diego lays by the door, waiting for me to return. He gracefully licks my hand as I enter the room. Without changing, I flop onto the bed, hoping this whole day would just disappear.

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