We're going to war......

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I wake up in my cell on the top bunk. The sound of snoring startling me. I smile and look down at Merle's sleepy formation. I rub my eyes with the back of my hand, wiping the sleep off. I pat my side to check for my knife. My eyes widen when I feel emptiness. SHIT! I probably forgot it outside from last night! I quickly but quietly climb down the bed and run out. I run past Hershel and bump into Daryl, "Whoa where you going so fast?" I shake my head, "Sorry Daryl I got to go!" I brush past him and out the two side doors. I come up to the pit in only a few seconds, searching for my knife.

Relief floods over me, when I reach down to my knife. I wipe the blood from it on my pant leg, examining it. I look in the reflection, feeling a cold feeling behind me. I look on my knife to see a walker's reflection. I scream as I turn around, instantly hitting the ground. The walker was on me within seconds. It bares its teeth, trying hard to bite down to take a bite out of my shoulder.

I struggle out of its grip, but it pins me. I feel the weight flop on top of me when it goes limp. I shove it off, holding my chest, breathing hard. After I get it under control I turn to face my rescuer. I see Carol standing there with her bow. I look over to the walker to see her arrow sticking out. I smile, turning back to her, "Thank you..." She smiles and walks over to me. She puts her bow over her head and over one of her arms. She grabs my hand and yanks me up. "Anytime" she smiles. "How did you learn how to use one of those things anyways?" I ask, still panting.

She shrugs, "Don't know. It's not that hard. Daryl taught me how to use his crossbow, so I just guessed" I roll my eyes, "Ya right, you can't be that good the first time! The other day back in the woods, you hit the walker on the third try! Hell, this women, Haley I think her name was, she had years of bow training, and when she was showing, Andrea I think, and she missed the walker so many times! And she was on a wall!"

She just smiles, "When I was little, there was a boy in the orphanage with me, who everyone thought was crazy. Everyone except me. I was 8 and he was 12. He made himself this bow, a singled string bow. He used a sack of flour for a target. One day when I was out picking flowers or something in the woods, I saw him. We were near a pond. I hide behind a tree, watching him. He had this knife, which I have no idea where he could have found one like that. He started throwing it at the target, stabbing it with all his might. All the other kids were scarred of him. Terrified. But not me. I don't know why, but I wasn't."

She sighs, looking down at the ground, "The orphanage was out in the woods, for some stupid reason. Our caretaker was a horrible bitch, who used to punish us, always carrying around her whip, and if you were bad, you would be punished. A few days after I found the boy, I made an excuse to go back to the woods..... This time he had his makeshift bow. It was smoothed out probably with sandpaper. When he was retrieving his arrows, he must have caught my shirt or something. He yelled at me to get out from behind. He got so pissed, I actually thought in that moment he was going to kill me. But I didn't move. After him asking some questions, he finally went back to his arrows. And everyday I would go out with him and he allowed me to use his bow. He taught me how to hunt, track, take apart guns, and defend for myself."

I hear a quiet sob escape her lips, as a tear rolls down her eye, "One day when I was 15 or so, I went out in the woods like always. But then I knew the minute I walked toward the pond, something was wrong. I held my knife he gave me, and the bow he taught me how to make, and crept alongside of the pond. I..." She shudders, "I-I I saw him there..... with a rope around his neck.... He was- he was..." She lets another sob escape, as she tried to fight back the tears, "He was hanged..." I gasp in shock embracing her in a hug. She wipes away her tears, "I'm so sorry...." She shakes, "It's fine.... it was in the past...."

Then an odd feeling hits me. The flashback of Lori, Daryl, Carol, and I back in Dale's trailer, Carol telling us that Sophia as a walker, WASNT her little girl. I shake my head, "Carol.... That's why you didn't want to go back to Sophia's grave.... For the reception.... WASNT it?!" She nods. She was thinking back at the day the boy died. "What was the boys name?" I ask.

"Quentin I think. We never really would speak to each other. We just stayed quiet unless we really needed to talk to each other. But after his death, I refused to ever go hunting or fishing again. I didn't even want to go near a gun again. Even when the apocalypse came around. Daryl had to teach me again. Taught me stuff Quentin never knew." I nod.

"Just please don't tell anyone else..... it's easier for everyone to think I don't know about that kind of stuff. I don't want to have to explain it and bring up the past again." I nod, hugging her again then breaking apart.

I watch as the door creaks open. She and I both turn to face Daryl stepping out. He probably just heard everything we just said. I see the flash of sickness in his eyes, "What's the matter?"

He just shakes his head, "Wondering what the fuck you two are doing out here!" He looks down at the walker, "We were just talking! Calm the fuck down! We're fine!" He glares at me, "Rick wants you on watch. Keep look out for the governor. Rick wants Hershel, him, Trigger, and I to go out and meet with this governor. Andrea came.... said he wants to have a compromise." Anger builds up on me, "And Rick didn't discuss this with the whole group?! Ain't our voice important?!"

He grunts, "What do you want him to do?! Ask you if that's alright if we go out?!" I get right in his face, "Ya. He should! Back at the farm he would make sure everyone was there! Women included! Why can't I go?! Why can't Carol? Why can't Beth? Do we have a a voice at all?!" FUCK! "Fucking back off Scout! This ain't got nothing to do about that! Rick wants you guys back her to fucking pack and stand guard! If you haven't been paying attention, but WE'RE GOING TO WAR!!!" I grind my teeth, "You and that prick can fucking rot in hell for all I care! Fine! Go out there and get yourself killed! The fuck we care if you don't come back!" In that moment I feel my heart break when I see the pain in his eyes. My anger washes away. I put my hand on his shoulder, "Daryl I-" but he cuts me off, "Fine! But don't come running back to me if you get hurt! I'm done with you!" He rips his shoulder away from me and stomps off back into the prison.

"Fine! Just fine!" I call out, but he just ignores. I sink to the ground against the prison wall. Carol leans down. I softly let the tears fall. "Scout?" Carol asks. I shake my head, "What if he doesn't come back? What if its the last time I get to see him? And his last thoughts of me would be the argument. I couldn't live with myself if that's the last thing he remembers of me....." She sits down beside me and wraps her arms around me, "It's going to be fine... he's gonna come back. Nobody can kill a Dixon but a Dixon...."

"Than how did Tyler die? He was part of the Dixon family to. Hell, I think he was closer than I am. To tell you the truth, I think he was Merle's favorite. I could just tell" "but he kept his name West. He never changed it to Dixon. And he- he said the same thing you just said. He said he didn't care, he was just glad you were part of his family. The family you grew close to...." I nod. "I just can't loose anymore people....."


Relief floods over me when I peer through the binoculars to see their trucks pulling up. I climb down the flight of stairs and open the bottom door. I run out to greet them. Merle and Carol joins next. Daryl flashes me a glare, then turns to stand behind Rick. Soon the whole group joins. My heart skips a beat when Rick clears his throat, "I talked to the governor. Tried to work out a compromise." He said 'TRIED' "We're going to war..."

Daryl lowers his head. The group gasps.


After the discussion everyone returns to inside the prison. I pretend to but then retreat to a hiding spot. I see Trigger, Daryl, Hershel, and Rick all huddle around a circle, "What did Phillip really want?" Hershel immediately asks.

Rick sighs, "He wants Michonne..... and Carol..." I gasp, hoping no one heard. Daryl's eyes snap open. "No way in hell are we letting Carol! She's part of our group!" Rick looks at him in question. Daryl's eyes close again and lowers his head. "Of course not. But Michonne.... she's an outsider.... I think we should give her up."

"She has her daughter!" Hershel snaps.

"I know... but what else do you want us to do? Risk one life? Or the whole groups?"

"This is barbaric!" Hershel argues.

"Rick.... we can't giver her up. This ain't right" Daryl backs Hershel up.

Rick sighs, "I haven't made the decision yet. Ill think about it over night, then we'll discuss this in the morning"

My heart clenches in my chest. WHAT AM I GONNA DO?!

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