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I wake up in the bed, cold. Merle never came back last night. Where the hell is he? I need answers before I start jumping to conclusions. And fast.

I vault out of bed, not caring what I was doing. Diego awakes in a flash and starts getting off the bed, "No boy. You stay here. Ill be back, I don't need you blowing my cover" Diego lets out a moan then lays back down.

I run down the street to where I saw Merle disappear. Hopefully I can get answers.


Merle's POV

As Scout and I walk out of the library I turn to her, "You go on ahead to our room. I got something I need to do..." She nods as I turn my back and walk into the darkness.

I walk down a back alley, scraping my bayonet across the walls of two buildings. I come to an old building which used to be an old hospital. I swing open the doors and enter. I look around at my surroundings. Chairs scattered, newspapers and dust litters the floor, and lights just hang there. This hospital has been closed for over 30 years. I don't know why they just don't burn it to the ground.

I walk down the hallway till I come to a hidden door in the floor. I lean down and open it, revealing a cellar. I walk down the narrow stairs, till I reach a shelf. Bottles and bottles of whiskey line up in a line. I grab a bottle and start chugging it. Fuck, I miss this. Today's been a shit hole. I had to do something..... something that shouldn't have been done. But I had to.

I chug the rest down quickly, hoping this whole day would just leave. I walk over to a door which laid against the wall. I open the door to reveal cells full of people. I walk down the line of cells, looking in each one. Women and men lay on their beds, moaning.

This is a prison. Phillip shouldn't be doing this. I stop at a pacific cell. Shupert stands there, armed with a rifle. "What's going on Merle?" He asks. I just roll my eyes, "I want to talk to this prisoner. Give her a little sense, if you know what I mean" He nods and unlocks the steel cell door. I walk in to see the women sitting in a chair in the middle of the cell.

"What do you want...??" The women scowls.

"Well hello to you to..... Michonne...."


Back to Scouts POV

I make my way down the street, keeping my eyes open for Merle. The sun just peeks over the horizon, blinding me. I walk down an alley way, hoping he just passed out somewhere and not out beating the shit out of someone, or getting the shit kicked out of him. Hopefully neither.

I hear a grumbling voice ahead on me. I hide behind some used boxes, peering in between them. A man, which I assume is Shupert. He's the one with the bow, who sits on top of the wall all day. I look up and read the sign, 'Rosary O'Donald hospital'. Why the hell is he doing in a shit hold hospital. It looks like no one has been in it for years. I watch as he makes his way down the 2 steps and trail off in the other direction.

When he's out of my sight, I sneak over to the hospital. I shudder at the door, wondering what could be in here that Shupert came out, grumbling, and the thought of what might be in there. Maybe he cleared out walkers.

No, if Merles in there, I'm going to find him. I want to know why he's acting like this. Why his eyes are always full of sadness when he returned. I've never seen him like this since I fell off the ridge. I still don't know why he blames himself, I wasn't that badly hurt. I only thumped my head, and got attacked by a bear, big deal!

I push the handle down and pull open the door. The place looks deserted, like it hasn't been touched. But something catches my eye. I look to my left down the hallway to see a trap door open. Why would they have a trap door? And why is it open?

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