Finding And Loosing

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Hey guys before you start reading this chapter you need to go onto this link and watch something. Just so you'll understand. This is deleted scenes from season 2 that they did not put in the show, I'm giving you the first link so you can start watching it and then all you do is go on the right side and click on the one that says part 2 and watch all 8 of them. I really hated how they deleted scenes from season 2 and one of them you'll understand about the beginning in episode 7 before they find Sophia. So enjoy!


Fuck. I feel like I've trampled by a herd of wild animals. My stomach is clenching in pain, and my eyes feel bloodshot. I slightly open my eyes to see a body hovering above me. I bite my tongue, trying not to scream.

"You're up. Thought you'd never be," Reed speaks up,

I look around to see the chopper in bits and pieces. I see Terry and our Pilot on the ground, dead. Their heads are smashed in with lead pipes sticking out of them.

"Merle was right, our pilot was bitten and halfway turned. We crashed two hours later ish and you've been out for a while." I nod. He pauses but then continues, "We should leave, start heading up the road. Try to find a place."

He wraps my arms around his shoulder and grabs my slingshot. Hoisting me up, he does the same I had been doing for him since he hurt his leg. He still limps, but it's not as bad as it was before. "I wonder how long I've been out for."

(5 miles up road)

The sun is setting when we come near a building, hoping to find a safe enough area to rest. Reed must be tired of carrying me everywhere. Well, now he knows how I feel. "I hear people talking up ahead. Can you see who it is?" I ask him.
He looks in the distance towards a couple of shadowy figures. "No."

We keep walking towards the figures, hoping for the best.
"Who are you!" I hear one of the figures yell to us. We keep walking until we can see the figure up close. A man stands in front of us with his gun pointed at our heads. I see a man walk up behind him, halting in front of him.
"Woah, hold on. They're with me."
"Daryl?" I ask.
Daryl places a hand on the man's shoulder, crossbow in the other.  "Daryl, where's-"
But before I can finish my sentence the man cuts in, "Who's this?"
Daryl turns to him, "This is Reed and Scout. They're with me."
I notice the way he talks is much different then from before. He seems... calmer, almost.
"You bit?" He asks.
I shake my head, "No our chopper crashed and I just hurt my leg." I hear moans coming from the building. Biters surround dead bodies and tearing the flesh right off them.
"It's getting dark," the other man points out, "You're welcome to stay,"
I nod showing my gratitude. Reed and I follow the two of them into a building, with a chain linked fence surrounding the area.
"Good call, for once" Daryl snarls. A few other people stand, terrified. The leader pushes his way to the front and leads the way.

"Keep your voices down," The leader says quietly. I wish I knew his name. We walk a little but stop when we hear footsteps and moans. One girl, a little younger than me starts to cry.
Daryl turns around and glares at her, "Put a sock in it!"
The women beside the girl growl at him, "You leave her alone!"
He keeps yelling in a quiet voice, "Shut her up or I will!"
I cut in, "Back the hell off, I mean now!" I snarl at Daryl. He rolls his eyes and starts to follow Rick again.
The women lips, "Thank you."

We all enter a room and lock the door behind us. Daryl raises his crossbow and searches high and low for any walkers. "We've barricaded this room." A blonde woman adds in.
"Who the hell did all this?" A Korean man asks.
"What do you think? They got overrun." she answers. Daryl rolls his eyes. "Got something to say?" She adds in.
"Yeah, how bout observant." Daryl rolls his eyes again.
"Observant, big word for a guy like you. Three whole syllables" she chuckles.
"Walkers didn't do this. Geeks never showed up till all this went down. Somebody attacked this place. Killed all these people, took whatever they wanted. All shot in the head, executioner style. Ya'll worry about walkers? I'd be much more afraid of the people who came and did all this. Get a dictionary. Look it up. Observant."
Daryl then walks away, catching up to the leader. Reed lets out a low snicker, raising his hand to muffle it. I lightly smack his arm, chuckling as well. That woman sure was put in her place, and her reaction was the best so far, giving off an appalled emotion.

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