Till death do us part

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Merle and I stand on a drop off. Men come crowding closer to us. Fuck! Why did Merle have to owe them so much money?! They crowd closer, blocking us off from any escape. Merle and I slowly creep backwards, trying not to loose our balance. "Come on man, it was only $1000, ill have the money tomorrow!" Merle explains. A thousand? That's it?! That pathetic if they can't wait a day! I roll my eyes, "Stop being such a pussy! I think you can't live without the money for one more day." I say.

"You better zip it sweetheart, I don't want to get tired and accidentally pull the trigger" The leader of the group pulls out his gun and points it at us. I gulp down hard, still trying to keep my balance. "Now.... where's the money?!" I look at Merle. His eyes look at him in a strange way. "Fine" he points the gun directly at me and fires.


I feel a sharp pain in my right leg. I look down to see blood draining down. I gasp in horror. I loose my balance and fall back. I fall of the drop off and hit my head on a rock. I catch a glimpse of Merle peering over the drop off with Tyler running beside. Wait.... when did he get here? My back hits the bottom, blacking me out.

End of Dream/Flashback


I wake up screaming. I loose my balance and fall backwards, hitting the ground on my back. I gasp for breath, but the wind is knocked out of me. I pull my pant leg up and examine my right leg. A scar marks my leg. i don't remember being shot. I thought i just slipped.

I hear approaching footsteps which seems to be running. Tyler arrives at my side and helps me up. June follows close behind. "You had that dream again, didn't you?!" Tyler asks, his eyes wide. I nod my head, shakily. He pulls me up and wraps his arms around me, "I'm sorry......" Tyler apologizes. I smile, "We don't apologize us Dixons" I tell him, hoping that June would hear. She takes a glimpse at me. Yep she did! Tyler releases me, "It wasn't yours or Merle's fault. It was just a stupid gang we got messed up with, I should have kept my mouth shut. They were just being a bunch of pussies." I say.

He smiles and moves my bangs with his hand. He examines the Scar on my forehead and locks eyes with mine. "I try to keep it hidden. We're the only ones, you, Merle, and I who know, and it should stay that way." I say trying to lower my voice so that June DIDN'T hear. "Merle never forgave himself. We both thought we lost you. He went after you and I went looking for...." He pauses.

"Wait who? No one came, it was just Merle and I. Tyler, you went off somewhere else and I never saw you again" I raise my eyebrows and widen my eyes. He gulps down hard, "Daryl...." My jaw drops. "Daryl?! I never met him until him and Merle rescued Reed and I from walkers!"

He shakes his head and looks at June, "I'll tell you later, Scout" June glares at us.

"No, you and Daryl are going to explain it now!" I drag him into the farm house and walk into Daryl's room. Daryl turns around and glares at us, "What the hell are you doing this late?" I walk through the door and lock it behind me. "You two are going to explain something to me!" I explain.

Daryl looks over at Tyler funny. "She knows.... what happened last year" Daryl's eyes widen. He painfully sits up."We'll she doesn't but she knows you were there" I grinned my teeth. "When you fell I went to go look for Daryl. He was the only one we trusted. If we went to the police, they would have taken you back to your home town. They all thought you were dead, so we wanted to keep it that way. You were unconscious for a few days. Merle cut the bullet out and watched over you till we came. I don't remember how may days but..... it was a long time"

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