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A day after the announcement of going to war, we all crowd around the mess hall. Beth holds baby Judith, while Carol cooks something on a big got plate. Merle leans back against the wall. Anika and Badger sits at the table across from each other, with Jesse watching them. I can't believe Michonne would actually trust Pinkman with her daughter. I thought after all that, she would have Anika by her side, all the time. Weird.

Daryl still hasn't been talking to me, nor Carol. It's like he's pissed at her to. But for what?! She didn't even do anything! I snap out of my thoughts when I hear Rick clear his throat, "We need to go on a run. We're running low on ammo, medicine, and food." Rick turns his attention to me, "Scout. I except you wanna go?" I nod, "Ya" he smirks, "I'm going to send out Scout, Carol, Merle, and Trigger. If that's ok with you guys" Merle chuckles, "Look at that, Officer Friendly actually trusts me enough to send me out" that's when it snaps in my head. Rick wants to send the people off who don't really matter in this group. But why Trigger and Carol?! Rick knows its too dangerous to be going out there!

"Ya, we can take the truck, if that's ok with you" I glare at Rick. He nods. If we're going out, we can't just have a car or something useless.

"No way in hell! Carols ankle hasn't probably healed yet, and you're sending her out there?! How can you trust Merle even?!" Daryl rants. I know what he's thinking. He doesn't want Carol to go and get herself killed. And he knows his brother. If Merle disappears he won't be coming back.

"Daryl my ankle's fine. I'm happy to go out" carol argues.

"There a problem Darlina? Don't trust her with old Merle?" Daryl glares at him. Merle chuckles.

Daryl's about to charge at his brother, but I step in front of him in time. "Daryl they're going to be fine..." He grinds his teeth, "Stay out of this Scout! You've already caused enough grief" he pushes me out of the way, but I grab his wrist and flip him over my shoulder. He lands with a thud on his back on the cement. SHIT! How the fuck did I just flip him?!

He groans in pain, picking himself up. I see him about ready to launch at me, but Rick comes up behind him and pushes him back, "Enough! Im the one in charge around here! They want to go, let them!" Daryl looks at Rick in disbelief. Daryl stands there dumbfounded. Maybe Hillbilly finally just figured out what Rick has become.

"No. Daryl's right. Trigger, I, Merle, and Daryl can go out. We'll slip in and out. Carols ankle needs to be looked at by Hershel. Ill collect the list from all o' y'all. Like I said, slip in and slip out." Carol looks at me. I give her a look, hoping she gets what I'm saying. She nods, sighing.

Daryl glances over to Carol, giving her a slight nod. Rick glares at Merle then at me, but I just brush it off.

"Alright. Lets go"


We're around an hour from the prison. We decided to bring Diego with us, after him barking at us just when we were packing the truck. Merle sits in the passenger side as Daryl drives. I sit behind Daryl with Trigger beside me. Diego sits in the back of the truck, sticking his head out, with his tongue out.

I grip my knife in my right hand, as if I were waiting for something to attack. I study my slingshot, the one Merle gave me before he left. The yellow sling rotting. I better get a new one before it takes one of my eyes out. Trigger stares off in outer space, his fingers twitching weird.

Merle starts to chuckle, "Look at that baby brother. Recognize that place?" We all turn our attention to the right, except for Trigger. I see an old abandoned hell hole of a house. Was that their house? No. I've been there, that not it. Daryl scoffs. Merle chuckles even more, "See there Scout? That's the place where Darlina here had his first shit faced experience." I Giggle. "Our Buddy Benson was having a party. I forget what got Daryl to do this but he climbed the highest tree around and brought a whisky bottle up." Daryl groans, probably remembering the memory. "He chugged it down, and tried to jump on the roof. He succeeded, but twisted his ankle and fell backwards. He landed into the man's hot tube, shitfaced. By 5 am Benson called me to go fetch him out. That was the first time baby brother got that shitfaced, and after that he rarely did." I hold my stomach, laughing so hard I think my stomach is about to burst. "It ain't that funny! It fucking hurt!" Daryl protests. I laugh even harder. "Ya until he got to the CDC! Daryl had the worst hangover! Remember Daryl? When you said you actually wanted to 'get shitfaced drunk.... Again?!'"

"You best shut the hell up!"

"Oh come on Hillbilly! It's funny! You have to hear the other stories dad told me about you!" Before I realize what I said, I have eyes burning a hole into mine. I said 'dad'. I never called Merle 'dad' before. I guess now since the apocalypse started, I've been feeling closer to Merle that I actually called him dad. I always thought of him like that, but I never actually called him 'dad' in front of him before.

Daryl smiles a bit, "Like what? What stories have MERLE told you that are true?!" Merle rolls his eyes. I lip a 'thank you' to Daryl, as he nods.

I look over at Trigger, my smile quickly changing to a frown. I reach over and grab his hand. He returns to look at me, as I see the pain flash in his eyes. I feel his pain coming off in waves and hitting me, leaving me breathless. "You ok?" He just nods, looking away, withdrawing his hand. My heart starts to break. Seeing him like this just breaks me. He used to always smile. Well when we were kids. Now a days he's always so quiet, pulling away from the group. But I ain't gonna let that happen. He belongs with us. Not in the dark.

I feel a force push me forward, letting my head hit Daryl's seat. My head starts to spin, as I take one last glance of Trigger leaning over me, as the world goes black.


I wake up to the feeling of a freezing motion. I bolt upright, with my pain reminding me of my pain. I fall back, staring up looking at Merles face. "Hey sweetheart" I reply back. "What happened?" I run a hand over my forehead. "We hit a herd of walkers. Daryl stepped on the brakes and you hit your head. You were out for a day. Daryl's out hunting. We couldn't leave, with you in this condition, so we stayed in this house." I look around to see were in a living room.

What the hell am I supposed to do now?!


Hey guys. Hope you liked this chapter. So I've had at least two fans ask me if Scout and one of the characters is together. So I'm going to ask you a question. In your opinion, who do you think will end up together with Scout? I already have someone in mind but I want to know what my followers think. I want to know if I have to add something to hint it or not. Lol idk. I'm weird.

So I know this maybe weird but who do you think Scout should be with?

1) Carl

2) Trigger

3) Jesse

4) Someone new

5) An enemy's son

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