Strange feelings

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Hey guys ok I was reading the previous chapters and for some reason chapter one deleted a lot of parts, so if your kind of confused then feel free to go back and read it, I fixed it adding the deleted parts. So sorry about that.
Thanks and enjoy!


I shot my eyes open to the sound of screaming. I lift myself up to see Tyler with his back against the caves wall. I grab my knife and clutch it. A grizzly bear creeps close to Tyler, raising its front paws and groaning. Merle and a man load their shotguns and aim at the bears heart. The bear turns its attention onto him and starts heading towards him. "Merle!" I scream jumping out of my sleeping bag and start waving my arms, "Hey you stupid bear! Over here!" I scream. The bear shoots its head in my direction and starts to growl. "Come on!" I yell, throwing rocks at its hide. It growls in frustration, heading towards me quicker.

Merle widens his eyes, "Scout don't!" He loads his shotgun and starts firing at the bear. The bear doesn't pay any attention but keeps creeping to me. "Come on!" I scream louder.

The bear raises its right paw and strikes me across the face. I scream in pain and fly against the wall. "Scout!" I hear Tyler scream. I touch my forehead to find a big gash of blood pouring out of me. I bite my tongue hard and stand up. "Come on!" I ask for more. There's no way in hell am I allowing anyone to get killed, especially not Merle. I'd rather die then having to live without him.

The bear bears its teeth and starts to walk over to me once again. "Come and get it!" The bear bites down hard into my arm and rips out a chunk of my skin. I scream in pain, pulling my arm away. "SCOUT!!!!" I hear Merle scream, running up with the man and killing the bastard bear. The bear gives one last roar and drops dead. I stare in horror, holding my arm close to my body. My blood spurts out, staining my whole body. Merle rushes to my side and starts cry, (Yes Merle did cry!) he looks down at me and wraps his arms around me. I start to wail in pain. "It's ok sweetheart, your going to be ok." I snuggle into his shoulder crying my eyes out, feeling the comfort transfer into my body. "I love you" his final words, before I black out.


I wake up to feel the bed freezing cold. I look over to see Merle up, fiddling with his knife. Diego still lays on my feet, which feels nice but the cold just can't git warm. "Hey sweetheart" Merle says. I reply the same.

He reaches over to his night table and passes me an apple. I catch it and hungrily bite into it. I nod a thank you and start devouring it. The feeling of it slide down my throat, over joys me. I'm so hungry I can eat a horse! Hah.

"We should out, show you around this town. Andrea and Michonne are in the apartment beside us. Come on." He says. I shake my head, "Can't I just sleep for a bit longer....? I'm soo tired and it feels like I have a hangover." I laugh. Nice excuse, I haven't had a drink since the beginning of this shit.

He chuckles, "Fine, then I'm getting your ass down the stairs and on watch. Now that you're here you can be of use." I smile at him, I'm so glad I'm going to at least do something instead of stay back and watch the world be torn apart by walkers.

He sits back down on the bed. "I'm sure Daryl's safe" I start. "Like you always say, nobody can kill a Dixon but a Dixon." He chuckles again. I smile at him. At least he can smile through all this shit. Everyone always thinks he's a cold blooded killer, but I know that he has his reason, but I agree with everyone he is a dick a lot of times.

"Tried to keep him safe..... but I failed..." I say harshly. He lifts my chin with his hand, "Ain't your fault, sweetheart.... you tried..." I nod, feeling a pang of regret. I should have left Daryl alone.... But he was hurting Carol.... I couldn't let him..... "He's grown onto the group. He has a family who will watch his back.... he never stopped looking for you..... NEVER! I'm sure Rick and Carol has been keeping an eye on him."

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