Bury the dead

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Tyler holds me back. Carol cries in agony as Daryl holds her back. Sophia's forehead gushes out blood. I turn to face Tigger and Hunter glaring at the body. Tears start to pour out of my eyes.

I wiggle out of Tyler's grip and run towards Sophia's body. I fall to my knees and pick her up in my arms. My tears roll down my cheek and lands on her face. "I'm sorry" I turn my head to the left to see one of Hershel's daughter run towards a walker. She moves a man off of a women and flip her over. "Ahh!" I hear her scream. The walker grabs her arms and bares its teeth.

I gently but quickly place Sophia's head on the ground and run into the barn. I grab a scythe and run out. Everyone's crowding around trying to pull the girl and the walker apart. I run up and swing it through the walkers brain. It drops dead in a second. The girl cries even more, "It's ok Beth" Hershel tries to calm her down. Maggie pulls her in for a hug.

I pull the scythe out and throw it behind me. "Scout!" I hear Triggers voice call my name. I turn to him to see him and Hunter stand over Reed's body. I run over to them. Trigger looks at him in shock. "I'm sorry Trigger. Hunter and I found him in the forest." Tyler and June comes up from behind me. June looks at Tigger in sorrow.

I lean down and wrap his arm around my shoulder. Tyler grabs the other and helps me. We drag him towards the rest of the group. Rick turns around to face us, "He's gone" I whisper. He nods. I turn to face Daryl and Carol. Daryl picks her up, "Don't look" he gently says. Carol pushes him back and runs into the woods. A pang of sorrow shoots up my arm and slides down my spine like a slide. Daryl watches her disappear then turns to us.

T-dog comes from the barn doors with a shovel. He walks towards an old oak tree and starts digging holes. I look at Rick, "What do we do now?" He lowers his head, "Bury our loved ones, burn the rest." I nod and walk towards T-Dog with Tyler on the other side of Reed. We gently place him on the ground and help dig.

Rick comes up to us when were done and hands us white sheets. Tyler and I wrap Reed in one and gently lower him into the hole. Tears flow down my cheeks and lands on the white sheet. Blood stains the sheet where the arm is, the leg and the brain. I start to cry even more as I stare down at his lifeless body. "I'm sorry, Reed" Tyler jumps out of the hole and reaches his hand down to mine. I take it and jump out of the hole. Now everyone except for Daryl, Carol and Lori crowd around. T-Dog covers a hole with dirt and steps back. The other 2 holes are already covered with soil. Trigger take the shovel out of T-Dogs hand and walks over to us. He looks down at Reed and starts burying him.

I run towards the RV, wondering where the rest of the group is. I open the door to see Carol sitting at the table, looking out the window. I plant myself across from her and look at her. She turns her attention to me, speechless. "I'm sorry...." I start. I feel tears come back to my eyes but I quickly swallow them back. "Thank you..." She replies.

I hear the RV door open. Daryl and Lori walk in and looks at us two. "We're ready" Lori says. Carol turns to her, "Why?" What does she mean why?! "Because that's your little girl" Daryl replies. "That's not my little girl....it's some other THING" What?! Anger begins to emerge from the inside, "my Sophia was lost in the woods. All this time, I thought. But she didn't go hungry. She didn't cry herself to sleep. She didn't try to fin her way back..... Sophia died along time ago"

I grind my teeth. Lori nods and walks out. Daryl glares at her and follows Lori out. I turn to look at her, "What the hell where you thinking?!" I yell at her. She looks at me with sadness. "Sophia's right there and your not going to pay your respects to YOUR daughter?! I've payed mine to Sophia and Reed! Daryl risked his LIFE to find her! And that's what you tell him?! That it was just a waste of time?! You're not the only one who lost Sophia! I did! I went after her, and I promised her she'd be safe! And that never happened!" I start to sob. She looks at me. "Daryl lost Sophia!" I start again, "She might not have been his, but he knew he had to go look for her. For you!"

She's about to respond but I block her out and run out of the RV. Tears filling my eyes. I see everyone on the front porch except for Daryl and Carol, with Shane yelling his ass off. "You knew Sophia was in the barn?!" Hershel looks at him in disgust, "I didn't know, Otis was the one who put them there." He holds Beth in his arms. I run over to them, "Man that's bullshit! That little girl was in that barn and you knew it!" Shane carries on. Rick tried to step in between them but Shane pushed Rick back. "I want you and your group off this farm now!" Hershel grinds his teeth.

Shane take a few steps forward but I run in front of him and punch him in the face with all my strength. He falls backwards and off the rails of the deck. I kind of laugh the way he falls. I jump off the deck and walk towards him. I kick his side hard, cursing, "You mother fucker! Hershel didn't know! You got this whole group kicked off this farm! Rick was doing just fine being the leader without your help! Rick is a great leader and you're just a dirtbag! You hurt anyone here, I promise next time ill kill ya! You ever touch the women here Ill have your head on a stick! And I'll make sure you'll have a slow and painful death!"

I hear a women scream, "Scout! You bitch! Why the fuck would you try to kill him! He's trying to protect the group! He didn't know Sophia was in there!" I turn to see Lori screaming at me. Rick looks at me, not in hatred, but with no emotion. It was weird. I grind my teeth, "Sorry bitch, I forgot, he's your boyfriend!" She gasps in horror. I turn my attention to Dale. He stands straight with his rifle slung over his shoulder. He shakes his head, but I ignore. I look down at Carl. He raises his eyebrows and looks up at his mom.

Shane still lays there, unconscious. His eyes starts to blacken, and his nose starts to bleed like there's no tomorrow. There probably wasn't a tomorrow for him! I might just have to kill him now! I look back, jumping a few paces back, Lori in my face. Her gun points at my forehead, right in between my eyes. I take a few steps backwards with my hands up high in the air. She claps the trigger, still directing it to me. "Lori stop!" Rick yells at her, but she just stands there.

Trigger and Hunter come up behind her and both come in between us, holding their guns out. I raise my eyebrows. "Leave her alone!" Trigger yells out. June and Tyler comes running off the porch steps. I shake my head, signaling them to stop. The both skid to a stop and watch. Tyler looks at me in horror. I shake it off and push Trigger and Hunter out of the way. They step back.

I grab Lori's arm and twist it back. Her gun drops from her hand as I kick it away. She screams in pain as I hold her still. She drops to her knees and screams in horror. "Stop! You're hurting the baby!" Lori screams. My jaw drops and my eyes widen. "I'm pregnant!" My eyes feel like they're bulging out off my sockets. I let go of her and fall backwards. She lays on the ground, holding her stomach. My teeth start to chatter as I look in shock.

I lift myself up and walk towards her. I lean down and grab her hand. I pull her up and stare at her. Tears stinging my eyes, I look at her looking at me. "I'm sorry" I whisper and whip around behind me and start running. I don't stop running till I get towards the RV. Carol still sits there, watching me. I shake her off and grab my slingshot and gun from the counter. She turns her attention to me and stands up, "What are you doing?" She asks in concern and grabs my arm. I shake my head, "Just leave me alone!" I cry out ripping my arm out of her grip. I start to cry more and run out.

I run, fast. Not caring where I'm going. Not caring about anyone else. i just run.

I run into the trees, trying to dodge every branch and tree. I hold my slingshot in my right hand, picking up a stone. I put the rock in the sling and pull back with my left hand. I target a tree, drill running. I let go as the rock goes flying in the air. Good my aim is better.

My heart starts to pound, ears ringing, and before I know it, I'm drinking in the taste of dirt. I cough, rolling over. My head starts to pound, eyes watering. I feel my breath escape me. I look up one last time, and allow sleep to overtake me.


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