Dark Side

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My heart sinks when I hear Daryl call out, "Carol and Merle's gone!" No. He couldn't. He couldn't have taken her from us. He wouldn't....

Rick looks at him, "What the hell?! He was supposed to take Michonne!" I hear everyone else gasp. Ricks eyes go wide as he stares at her. He shouldn't have said that....

"I'm going out to look fer them. Ill be back"

"No. Ill come with. This is my fault" Rick argues.

"No. I'm a good tracker, you'll just slow me down. Besides he's my brother."

Rick gives a slight nod, "Trigger, Glenn, Maggie. I need you three to go on a run. We're running low on formula and ammo. Just in case we have to run, we need to be prepared" they all nod and turn to leave.


It's been around 3 hours since everyone left. I'm starting to worry. What if Daryl didn't make it in time? What if the governor has Carol? What if they're all dead?!

I find myself walking towards Jesse's cell, my mind racing. I find him sitting n his bed and loading his gun. He looks up at me, "Hey." His eyes wonder up and down my face, "What's wrong?" I gulp, "They're not back yet. I'm going out to search for them. I can't loose them to.... can you come with me?" He nods and lifts himself off the bed. He starts to walk towards me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Ya"

He tucks his gun in his holster and shows me to where they keep the horse. Speaking of that, where do they keep them? Last time I ever saw them, Tyler brought them to me.... Tyler. I haven't even paid my respects for him.

We walk into cell block D to see both horses standing there, "You keep them in this cell block? They need fresh grass! This is abuse!" And I should know!

"Calm down! Maggie and Beth takes care of them. Just at night we keep them in here. Like their own stable" I start to relax. Well at least they have bedding and hay.

After we finish saddling them, I hop on the back of Ghost, with Jesse on Sickamoose. This is going to be a long ride....



Phillip stops the truck about 10 minutes from the warehouse. I keep an eye on Martinez as he eases his way towards me when Phillip's back is turned. "Martinez.." He turns around as he stops, "Bring doll face over here" he turns around again.

"Please..." I whisper. Martinez pulls out his knife. Tears stream down my face. This is the end. I'm gonna die here. But at least I'll be with my baby girl.

I close my eyes, remembering my family's faces. Even the dead ones. I feel him out his hand on my shoulder as he walks behind me. I silently gasp when I feel the rope slipping off my hands. I turn around as he puts a finger to his mouth to silence me, "You go and get out of here. Prepare for war." I nod, "But why?"

"Because I'm not letting some innocent women be raped and tortured by this man. Lets hope my sins fade away after this, so I can be with my family in heaven" I nod and start quickly but silently run into the woods and towards the place where I left Merle...

I run as fast as my legs allow me to, feeling the adrenaline course through my body. I smile as I reach the warehouse. Then I stop dead at the sound of crying. I squeeze through a gap and quickly cover my mouth as a sob threatens to spill. There lying on the ground is Merle's body, and laying across from him is Daryl. He sits up and looks at his brother, tears streaming down. No... No this can't be happening. He had to.... I couldn't get here fast enough.

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