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Blinking open my eyes, I take a second to focus on my surroundings. Through slanted eyes, I zone in on Reed's face, watching as he fiddles with his fingers. It was something I had noticed since I was little, as he used to sit at his desk and tap his digits against the wood. Miss Locke would come over and slap his hand for doing so, shooting her signature glare over at him. Being the kid he was, never really listened, or maybe just didn't care.

Looking down at his leg, I notice the bandages soaked in old blood. I reach into my pocket and pull out a roll of gauze. Reed turns to me and stares in question, but I just shake my head, pointing down at his leg. "I need to clean it, or an infection will form."

He nods, relaxing a little from my explanation. I pull out my knife, cutting the knot Dr. Woodward made. Unraveling the sopping bandage, I bundle it up and throw it out the window. Wrapping the new gauze around his thigh, I make sure to put pressure, tying it off at the end.

After I'm done, I turn my attention to the man in the drivers seat, "So where'd you find Merle at?"

Scoffing, he replies, "On a roof, on top of the police station."

My eyes widen, as I shoot a glare over to Merle, "So you were the one who shot Reed? Why would you shoot at me, and bring all the walkers into town? My whole group was overrun by walkers!"

He shrugs, "Your buddy here now isn't dead, so there's nothing for you to bitch about."

I bite my lip, "You know, if you would have killed him, I would have ripped out your tongue and shove it down your throat."

He chuckles, "I would love to see you try."

I growl lowly, hoping he doesn't hear. "What a cocky bastard."

Suddenly, the car comes to a halt in front of a building, with a sign saying, Horseshoe Bar. "Oh great. Are they planning to get shit faced?"

Merle looks over his shoulder, smirking, "I have a little something for you and Darlina here. Just wait in the car."

Not listening, I grab onto the door handle, and let myself out. Following Daryl inside, I try to ignore Merle's words. Glancing back, I don't seem to see Reed, probably deciding it is better to stay in the car then to deal with us three. Smart move.

"You came here just to get your stash?" Daryl asks in an angry voice.

"Don't get your panties in a twist, Darlina. I also got that crossbow over there for ya. Got that slingshot for you, Scout." He replies, gripping the plastic bag full of drugs in his hand.

"And what the hell do you think a slingshot is good for? I'm sure even if I throw a rock at a walker's head, it won't do much damage." I scoff, venom dripping in my words.

Whipping around, I focus my hearing on approaching footsteps, as four men step into sight. Grasping my knife, I hold it up in front of me. They're all dressed in leather jackets, tattoos decorating their skin. The one in front, probably the leader, glances over at Merle, pointing to him.

"That's Merle! Get him!"

The leader bolts towards Merle, leaving the rest to circle Daryl and I. A man throws the first punch and as I take the blow to my stomach. I drop to the ground in a second, clutching my gut, as I cringe in pain. The man leans down, winding his fingers throw my hair. I let out a scream, trying to break free from his grasp, but he only lays on top of me.

"Daryl, help!" I cry out, beating my fists against the mans chest.

Soon, the weight vanishes, as I gasp for air. Daryl looks down at me, offering his hand down at me. I except, grasping onto his hand, as he pulls me up.

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