A midnight in paris

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A\N: the Dempeo really picks up after this chapter. But you have to suffer through some Chris stuff.
The smell of strawberry pancakes wafted through the hotel room, arousing Ellen from her deep sleep. She sat up, rubbing her eyes, watching a tall man carry the trey to her bedside. Tall man...Chris.
"Pancakes from room service?" She asked, yawning. Chris nodded, sitting on the bed. He pushed her messy hair back.

"Happy birthday baby." He kissed her nose, and set the trey on her lap. It was beautiful, strawberries squeezing out the sides of the pancake, powdered sugar, and just enough whipped cream. A small bowl of strawberries and blueberries sat on the side, there was orange juice with a little tiny bottle of champagne. Ellen began to eat then watched Chris stand up. He seemed jumpy, like a child. He was anxious. Something was going to happen. Suddenly the pancakes felt like lead in her throat as she watched Chris reach into his back pack pocket.

"Ellen...so yeah we met at a grocery store by the frozen peas. Romantic right? I heard your accent and I knew a Boston girl was behind me. Everette was just a bridge away, a train away. I never knew what was waiting for me there was you. My Ellen. Your such a passionate person, and every little thing you do has a reason and a purpose and it's so you. I love you with all my heart, every thing about you. Will you marry me, Ellen Kathleen Pompeo? Make that Ivery?"

Ellen nearly choked. She swallowed and smiled, her heart breaking. The vacation was a trip away from Patrick, he shouldn't even be on her mind. But he was. And the kiss was. The stupid kiss. Ellen found herself upset, her brow furrowing. She couldn't do this to Chris anymore, it was wrong. She swung her legs out from under the trey, pulling the black silk slip she wore tighter around herself, leaning down to Chris, still on one knee the damn man. She closed the ring box, shaking her head.

"You were told not to at the party. It hasn't changed since then." Ellen said, her voice shaky. Why was this so hard? She thought. Chris stood up with a broken face, his brows furrowing.

"Ellen." He said firmly, upset, knowing he just wasted money on this trip. Ellen got up, sitting beside him on the bed. She squeezed his hand, so sad she would have to deliver this speech,

"Listen. Chris, to all I have to say. I've been with you for three years. I obviously love you. I'm not sure that it's the same type of love that a marriage requires. I'm not sure I, well. It's difficult. I'm, not ready. I'm also falling for Patrick. Don't overreact nothing has happened but I'm not blind Chris. I know the way he looks at me, and it sends shivers down my spine. You? You're just a one night stand extended, I didn't know how to get rid of you earlier because I've never dumped a person in my life. I was dumped in highschool. Mostly because no one wanted to go near my dad. And also I hung out with all the gay kids, theatre kids...the man I dated when I was 18? The 26 year old? He dumped me like hot garbage the second he saw a woman with money take interest in him. So I don't know how this works. You took me under your wing into the industry but I should not have..." Ellen rambled, flushed. Chris cleared his throat, upset.

"Now. What about this industry when you fall for Patrick? Your manager? You think she'll let you love who you want? Her charming white lead dump her black boyfriend? Ellen. I mean we can break off. Obviously you don't want me and I just spent money on nothing and wasted dreams but I'm worried about your future. I'm a safe choice..." Chris began to explain. Ellen gave him a look of disbelief,

"Oh so you'd marry me if I didn't return your love?" She asked. Chris's brows went up, he was angry but only wanted the best for Ellen. He couldn't see the media destroy her, she was better than that.

"Okay. Listen. So what if...you and I do a small of officiated ceremony whatever you want, get married for the press but you can stay with Patrick in secret. Yes I hate him and the idea of you two and I'm jealous and I want to punch his face but he makes you happy. Hollywood will destroy you if you're single. Please. Let me be kind." Chris suggested. Ellen stared at him. Secret? Get married for fake? It all seemed way too Hollywood drama life for her, she wasn't about that culture. But he had a point. She became to convince herself he was right.

"Okay. So we pretend. What about kids?" Ellen asked, feeling her family already subconsciously ask for children. Chris shrugged.

"Surrogate, adopt. Insemination. I mean your choice but I agree. We can raise children as friends it's not hard...we can cross that when we reach it. Ellen, do you really?" She nodded, hugging Chris softly.

"Friends. I like that. You and I are Boston buddies. Right. You and dating though how will that?"  Ellen asked, finishing her pancakes. Chris rubbed his head, shrugging.

"Well. First of many women don't care but if I care for her deeply I'll tell her. I mean no press and I can stay low it's okay." He promised her. Things were looking up. It was awkward but they could do this. Ellen popped open the champagne,

"toast to friendship?" She asked. Chris grinned, the ring box long forgotten.

"Toast to friendship !"

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