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The two children stared at each other for a long time. Ellen made her way into the hospital room, towards Patrick. He sat beside Everett still and had an arm around him. She paused, staring at the two as she realized how much Everett resembled Patrick. It made her stomach flutter.

"Everett, hi there." Ellen let go of Stella's small hand, and made her way sit on the other end of Everett's bed. "This is Stella. I'm her mommy too." She watched intently as Everett processed what she said.

"But you're my mommy?" He asked, his brows furrowed, confused. Patrick pulled Everett up onto his lap, sorting through the wires, smiling down at the little boy. Stella stood shellshocked. She kept staring at the boy in front of her, his curls which couldn't be further than her own curls.

"Everett, your mom is married to a man who isn't me. Stella's father, and she has another mommy. But your mom and him took Stella in. She's your step sister if you will. But you share no blood, that make sense?" Patrick explained. Stella was silent still, watching Everett. She didn't know what to say.

" Mommy?" She questioned her little mouth pouting as she grew confused. She could see Everett was her age, and she could hear them refer to themselves as Everett's parents. She understood she was Chris's daughter and not Ellen's, that was what Ellen explained on the car ride. Ellen reached down, picking Stella up, and putting her in her own lap.

"You know how I told you that I didn't carry you in my tummy?" Ellen asked Stella after kissing her temple. Stella poked at one of Everett's dinosaur toys. It took a few moments before Everette realized what was happening.

"Hey!" He grew protective, sticking his lower lip out as he spoke. "That's mine!"

"Brothers share." Stella said quietly, looking up at Everett with sad brown eyes.

"I carried Everett in my tummy before you were born." Ellen told them, then kissed Stella's other cheek. "Everett let her touch your toys. It's okay."

Everett crossed his arms, leaning back into Patrick. He still wasn't sure if he wanted to follow their rules and their parenting. His life had just swapped and everything was so messed up. His head hurt and he turned away. Patrick could tell his son was getting agitated and realized that their visiting time might just be past expiration.

"Everett? You tired buddy?" Patrick questioned quietly as he stroked his head full of downy curls. The toddler nodded, blinking several times and clutching the dinosaur plush to his chest. "You want to take a nap? You know what," Patrick paused, helping Everett get back under the sheets, and then reached for Stella's hand. "I don't think we've been properly introduced Stella. I'm Everett's dad. I used to work with your mommy." Stella climbed off the bed and walked towards Patrick. She shook his hand, nodding. Ellen got up, holding her hand.

"Stella you go along with Patrick to the cafeteria okay? He can get you a snack." She transferred her hand to Patrick's. "Paddy...please?" Ellen added quietly as he moved closer.

"Fine." He mumbled back, holding Stella's little hand as he walked her away. Once Ellen was alone with Everett she kissed his forehead.

"Stella was only trying to get to know you," she told him, pushing a stray curl from his face. Everett pouted, mumbling,

"I no want a sister," he complained. "Dinosaur mine. Nothing is mine." The small quiet words coming from her small son hit Ellen in the gut. The dinosaurs were the only thing of his he owned at the hospital. Having Stella touch them only made him fear to loose them.

"She's your step sister. You'll get to know her soon enough. If you come stay with your dad and'll be with her a lot." Ellen added. She crouched down so she could be eye level with him.

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