Baby steps mean you tumble

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Time went by quickly for Ellen and Patrick, and their baby. They were about three months in, and Ellen was ready to start showing any day. This was the prime time to do it, and neither of them had any clue what to say.

Patrick rested his hand on Ellen's swelling stomach, burying his head in the crook of her neck as he fell asleep. She slid her hand to intertwine with his, sighing in her sleep as she felt him breathing against her. This was the good life for them both. Patrick was content, feeling the life he made start to grow inside of her. Ellen feeling secure, and enjoying the support. This pregnancy wasn't without risks, her age and weight but she was not allowing worry to overrule her.   The night moved into morning when their alarms went off, blasting.

"Ellen! Turn it off!" Patrick bellowed from beside her, rolling over to cover his ears with a pillow. Ellen rolled her eyes, slamming the damn thing to shut it off. She turned to her side, slipping under his pillow covers. "Oh hello....." He chuckled at seeing her. Ellen kissed him softly, her hand on his shoulder, before sitting up. Patrick crawled out of his hiding spot, gazing at the woman he loved.

"So we're telling Talulah and the twins tonight?" He asked, blue eyes shining as he watched Ellen push back her flyaway hairs.

"Hmmm oh yes we are. The twins are still only three but they'll get it. Tal is seven so she'll get it hopefully..." Ellen murmured in reply as she focused on a split end. "Oh! And remember Patrick not the whole thing! Just that I'm married to Chris and we're having a baby not anything about you and me. You're the god father. I can't tell Tal I'm giving her a sister or brother when we still don't know..."

Patrick reached out, stroking her cheek. "If you don't want to then I'm okay that. Seriously Ellen. If you don't want to tell my kids I'm okay. It's better than me slipping. We still should tell Chris. If he's going to be back and in this house I want him to know." He said, leaning in to place his head against hers. Ellen sighed, her eyes looking down.

"You mean incase anything happens to me." She mumbled, her expression falling. Ellen knew Patrick was right, they needed to tell Chris. It still stung, thinking of all this progress to leave her again. Patrick shifted his hand, trailing down to her shoulder, leaning her back on the bed.  His hands intwined with hers, his lips kissing hers tenderly.

"I love you, and part of that is worrying for you. You'll make it this time, I know you will." Patrick cradled her against him, their hands intertwined still. "You're strong Ellen, so strong." His forehead met hers and he looked down, counting the freckles scattered across Ellen's button nose. After a few moments Patrick chuckled, sitting up.

"What?" Ellen asked, her bright eyes flickering up at him. He ran a hand through his dark curls, smiling.

"Nothing...I just I hope that our baby has your freckles." Patrick's eyes lit up as he spoke, the worry and fear gone as he started to think of the future. What they were doing was daunting but it felt right. Right in a messy kind of Hollywood cover up story, but it wasn't anything that they were unready for. Ellen pulled him in close, kissing him deeply. Her hands pulled at his hair as she slipped her tongue into his mouth. Patrick pushed her back, his lips making a trail from her neck to her waist. He wanted everything for her.


"So what can I do for you? I haven't seen you in months Ellen, is something wrong?"  Ellen watched her press manager pace back and forth while sipping her morning coffee. Behind her were some promotional pieces from Grey's.

"Well nothing is wrong per say. I want to do a um it's a-" Ellen started talked with her hands unsure how to say it. "A press release..."

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