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The bright sunshine didn't last long in LA that morning as Patrick pulled into the parking lot of Angels Memorial. He angrily closed his door, stalking up to the doors to find Jill for her appointment. He was just so angry, at himself, and the world. This anger from Ellen, anger from Jill, future resentment by Talulah, and anger at creation for taking place. Patrick stepped inside,and made a beeline to the elevator for OBGYN. He grabbed the first empty one, leaning against the back railing.

Hospital elevators.
Patrick felt his stomach fall, remembering the millions of shots he did with Ellen in the elevator. He remembered one, of him taking a deep breaths of her perfume, a mere hair between their bodies.


Patrick looked up, seeing people file out onto the floor. He followed, slowly turning the corner as Jillian was called inside. He hurried over, linking arms with her, acting as the perfect husband. The pair walked in, in silence as the chatty Doctor kept talking while leading them to an ultrasound room.

"Alright, pull your shirt up and pants off, here's a nice table cloth for you, and we can start in a few moments." She said, going out of the room to grab more of the jelly. Jill slid off her jeans, giving Patrick a look.

"You were almost too late." She hissed. Patrick crossed his arms, his eyes narrowing. He was not in the mood to deal with Jill.

"I wish I was. I wish I was late for a lot of things so this wouldn't have happened." Patrick stated, flat out. He ran a hand through his tousled hair, upset. Jill sat on the exam table, the cloth over her legs.

"You don't want another baby Patrick?" She asked, her brows furrowing. Patrick shook his head.

"God no. Jill, we've been fighting for months, almost a year. I- Jill I have to come clean, I don't love you. I've been staying for Talulah. I don't want to be this baby's father, but I will. I want more children Jill but not with you." He explained. Jill nodded, looking at the monitor, she sighed. She knew. He was right. She knew he wasn't in 100%.

"May I come in?" The doctor knocked, and stepped in, smiling.

"Let's get this over with huh?" She poured the gel over Jill's gently distended stomach, and moved the device in circles. Three heartbeats filled the room. The doctor smiled up at Patrick and Jill, her eyes bright. "There are three heartbeats instead of two which means you're having twins Mrs. Dempsey!" She explained. Patrick gasped, surprised. Twins? How would Jill manage twins on her own if they ever split? Who's lineage did it come from? How would they tell Talulah? What would Ellen think?

"And here they are on the monitor," she pointed to two blobs basically. "They're identical, also. I will let you two celebrate, and head out now." The doctor left Jill and Patrick alone. Jill spoke first.

"So now you're leaving your daughter and potential twins good father Patrick! Great! You are the best!" Jill shot at him, fuming. Patrick stood back, arms still crossed.

"I'm not leaving my children. I am leaving their mother. Jill you and I don't love each other, we know that. I love these children with all my heart, and I will support you, with childcare, money, dual custody but we can't hide this anymore. We aren't in love and Talulah shouldn't see that. Our dysfunction-" Patrick pleaded to Jill as they left. She pushed her hair back, sighing.

"Just because you may be right doesn't mean it doesn't feel bad Patrick." She said, closing the door behind her as they left the office. She got on the elevator before Patrick, leaving. He waited for the next one, which he took alone. His head was spinning between Jill and Ellen. If Jill was going to be mature, saying he was right about them then maybe he had a chance with Ellen...if Ellen didn't hate him. His mind went back to her this morning, the fury in her eyes as she told him to leave. Just earlier that night you had exchanged the words- the words she put her life on line for. What she faked her marriage for. Patrick began to wonder if she even had to marry Chris if Jill left him- but the damn press.

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