What about our garden ?

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"Oh this is delicious Chris, I really liked it," Patrick praised Chris as he sat down to eat the dinner he prepared.

"Oh good, that's good. Ellen's been teaching me a lot of Italian recipes so I've been practicing. We have dinner with her family soon and I'm thinking of cooking, for them and yeah." He replied, sipping his wine. The air was awkward, unsettled between the pair since Ellen was missing in action. Patrick wiped his mouth and stared across the room, expecting Ellen to dash downstairs any second. "Sorry. She isn't down here...I she mentioned something about cramps maybe but didn't want to cancel since I prepared dinner already. Left overs don't do well here since we're here so infrequently." Chris apologized, eating. Patrick stood up, walking to clean his plate as he replied.

"I'll go check on her. It's unlike her to skip a meal," He told Chris, rinsing before heading up the stairs. Chris sat back in his chair, annoyed. He had obviously checked on Ellen and knew that Patrick loved her but he also knew that he wanted to protect her.

Patrick knocked on Ellen's door softly, talking against it.
"Ellen? You in there? Chris said you weren't feeling well, his dinner was good by the way, good teacher Ellen," he made conversation, laughing. Ellen's meek voice reached the door,

"It's open." She said. Patrick made his way inside, seeing her on her side, upset.

"Cramps right then?" He asked, sitting on her soft bed, rubbing her shoulder. Ellen tilted her head up, nodding.

"Stupid damn birth control I'm on, no periods but these cramps may kill me." She cried out, clutching her stomach. Patrick moved, scooping her into his arms, stroking her hair.

"No periods...just cramps, that's awful," he kissed her forehead. "You having dinner with your family soon?" He asked. Ellen blinked, looking up at his face.

"Chris told you? We're announcing to them yeah. Chris is trying to look like the perfect husband when we haven't even had a meal together in weeks." Ellen sighed, thinking about the whole mess. Patrick watched his fingers dance through his soft honey blonde hair, smiling.

"I can't say anything Ellen. This is your choice. If you love me, I'll stay. No matter what goes on." He kissed her again. Ellen squeezed him, her tiny body pressed against him. Patrick opened his mouth, about to make a comment before hearing Ellen's stomach. In dealing with her painful searing cramps, she had neglected to eat. He laughed,

"There's still left over of what Chris made...want me to get you some?" He asked. Ellen hid her face in his shirt, nodding slightly.

"Yeah." She mumbled through his top, giving one last squeeze before rolling off of him. Patrick got up, kissing her temple in the process, going to open the door. He was greeted with Chris about to knock.

"Sorry. I just wanted to tell Ellen I was heading out and left overs are on the stove." He said quickly, going back to his room. Patrick rolled his eyes, unnerved by the fact that Chris was a very nice roommate almost too nice. He made his way downstairs to heat up a plate for Ellen while she sat up in bed, groaning. As Patrick carried the steaming plate up to her room on a little cutting board tray his phone rang. "Damn." He hurried into her room, setting the plate down as it kept ringing.

"You gonna answer that?" Ellen asked, pointing at his jeans pocket, which was lit up from the phone. Patrick gave her a look before answering it.

"Jill? Hi yeah, um I told you, I went to Ellen and Chris's for dinner, yes you were invited but I knew you had an appointment...Jill don't yell at me please. Tal can hear you...what okay. I- okay, Jill, thank-ok" Patrick hung up as fast as he could, visibly upset. Ellen stopped eating, mid bite, looking into his eyes.

"Paddy?" She asked, swallowing. "Patrick...tell me what she said," Ellen said forcefully, knowing he would just hide his feelings like usual. Patrick shoved his phone in his pocket, shaking his head.

"Well after everything she said we need to talk at home. It's probably nothing but I hate that phrase. We need to talk. It's reserved for bad news, angry moms, and disappointment. She seems more angry at me." He spoke quietly, sitting on the bed. "Ellen I should go...like now so she doesn't throw a fit."  Ellen moved her tray aside, crawling up to kiss Patrick's cheek.

"It's okay Paddy." She brushed back a tendril of his dark brown hair, her fingertips making himself shiver. He stood up, smiling at her while leaving as his stomach did somersaults.
"Well there you are. Glad you came back to your real family for once." Jill spoke as soon as Patrick opened the door. He closed it, frowning.

"Jillian." Patrick said coldly, leaning against the door frame. "That's low and rude. You had an appointment scheduled to do someone's makeup, besides it ended up being just Chris and I. Ellen isn't feeling well," He added. Jill scoffed,

"Well let's hope you didn't kiss her too much, and get the bug too. Anyway, look, Patrick," she walked closer to him, less upset now. "I think, that maybe, we should well take time off. For Talulah but also for a baby," Jill stood inches from Patrick, resting his hand on her stomach. His eyes grew wide, his heart dropping. They had sex one time in the past month...pregnant? Patrick dropped his hand, feeling guilty and ashamed.

"Another baby?" He asked, his mind buzzing. Jill kissed him, and nodded.

"You're going to be a daddy again," she said, excited. Patrick kissed her forehead.

"That's amazing babe," he mumbled, hugging her. Acting was natural. He would have to tell Ellen about this before he talked to Jill. He knew he wouldn't keep their secret not with another baby. Together Jill and Patrick climbed the staircase, checking in on their sleeping 4 year old daughter, and went to bed.

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