You can't just close up a conflict

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A/N: ok sorry for how abrupt the other chapter ended. I promise Dempeo next chapter I just didn't feel like her coming home worked for this chapter.
The clock rang four o'clock in the little French village and Ellen's phone went off like crazy. It was just now November 10th in California, and her friends were wishing her a good birthday.
'Happy birthday Els! X love Sandra'
'Happy birthday Ellie,' read Patrick's.
'Glad to see my little sis made it to 35!' Maureen.  The texts continued.

"Friends?" Chris asked, handing her a cone of gelato. Ellen nodded, accepting the cone. The two seemed better than ever. To remove the romantic aspect of their lives worked well, they still knew each other. "I'm glad this birthday isn't turning into a bust for you." He praised her, licking his own ice cream. Ellen smiled, walking past shop windows.

"I love it here but I just want to get home. To be honest." She finished the cone, wiping her face with a napkin. "I should return people's calls. You mind?" She asked. Chris shrugged,

"I'll be walking around the city. Be back in a few hours, so go relax. But text me if you go anywhere okay? I don't want you to get hurt or lost or something. You text me." He asked her, his eyes dark and serious. Chris could make himself look intimidating by just looking into someone's eyes he was always so calm. Ellen nodded as he spoke, understanding.

"I will." She promised before disappearing into the hotel. It was charming that Chris still wanted to care for her. As a boyfriend he had not been overtly like that, and Ellen began to realize it was sex. Chris knew he could have sex no matter how he acted, although Ellen would say no he still had her as an accessory and now that he was taken away from it, he was being bright and innocent. Once inside the room Ellen pulled out her phone and dialed Patrick first. She was dying to explain to him the choice she made. The dial tone treated her and she was about to give up when a New England accent flooded her ears.

"Ellen? Happy birthday!" Patrick smiled against the phone, waiting to hear her voice. A week was too long. Ever since the kiss, the party. He missed her. Patrick found himself desiring her kiss, over and over again. It wasn't supposed to be like this, he kissed her all the time on set.

"Thank you Patrick." Ellen replied as she sat on the balcony of their hotel room. She played with her hair, nervous. Patrick's face brightened as he heard her. Even over the phone her accent was there, he smiled to himself. How cute, he thought.

"So I heard you went to Paris huh? Romantic? Chris treat you good?" Patrick asked, curious. He had to know what she did, what she said. Ellen took a deep breath, looking at the clouds in the far distance. She licked her lips.

"Well...about that Patrick-" Ellen began to talk unaware Patrick's phone was cutting out. "Chris...proposed. But there's things we discussed I told him about us and Patrick, I think, yeah, I'm falling for you. So Chris and I talked out this whole plan..."

"Huh? He did it? Ellen I can't hear you-" Patrick said as his end of the line turned into static. He could hear Chris and proposing. "You know what that great. You two uh get married yes I'm just bye, happy birthday Ellie." He hung up, pissed off. Of course she would say yes he thought. Chris took her to Paris for her birthday. What man does that if he isn't serious about a yes? Patrick set his phone down on his desk and looked over at the small gift laying on the top. It was a small blue box, just some makeup from Jill's line that she pointed out would look good on Ellen. Jill didn't like Ellen but she never missed a chance to give out her products. She had said Ellen was really pretty anyway, and gave him stuff to make her eyes pop.
'They're this really pale green blue hazel. It's every makeup artists dream, those eyes. Her hair isn't so bad if she hadn't dyed it in the 90s- you can tell but don't worry about that all the focus should be on those damn eyes. She'll like this Patrick.' She assured him. Now all Patrick could do was think about her eyes. How they changed color with her outfits or her moods. When they got deep dark gray, and he saw her anger. Or when they were bright, sparkly even, the green popping through. They were magical, like her. Patrick sighed, he was reminded of how he felt when Ellen looked at him. The way he felt her eyes on him, the way his hands grew sweaty, and his stomach flipped. He laid back in his bed, staring at the ceiling fan. Why was everything so hard? He asked himself. Patrick did some reflecting and saw Jill come into the room quietly, unusually. It then hit him. If Ellen had picked Chris, what did he have to fight for? The only thing he was supposed to, his marriage.

"You call Ellen yet? She still gone? I would take up all that Italian sun while I can." Jill commented, seeing the box still there. Patrick rubbed his face.

"She's in Paris Jill. Not Italy. Went to Italy last summer, like she does, visiting family. Anyway, she's having a good time. Chris proposed and she said yes and it worked out." He told her. Jill laughed,

"Told you she'd say yes. Ellen isn't dumb Patrick. She wouldn't stop him done protecting her?" She asked. Patrick sat up, running a hand down Jill's face.

"I am as a matter of fact..." He trailed off and began kissing Jill. Kissing led to touching and well, we all know what happens after that.
Ellen had pouted as she heard Patrick hang up. He obviously didn't hear her, or care enough. She fiddled with her thumbs, staring at the glowing call ended screen on her phone. She was...sad. Ellen debated calling back, thinking that he would if he didn't hear what he wanted. He hung up before she told him the plan. The phone grew dim and then lit up again. Maureen. Ellen sighed, answering her sister.

"Happy birthday Ellen! I miss you so much, how are you doing?" She gushed. Ellen bit her lip, she wasn't fine, but she wasn't distraught. In all honesty she was confused and numb. "Ellie? Is something wrong?" She asked her quietly. Ellen sighed.

"I'm good just figuring some things out. Chris took me to Paris and proposed and I said yes." She rambled, hearing her sister scream and yell excitedly.

"Aww!! Little Ellie's getting married! You better come out to visit dad. This is so exciting! Is the rock nice?" Maureen asked, nosy. Ellen shrugged, looking at the box.

"It's a good size. I wouldn't want larger." She replied.

"Okay. Well you two celebrate that! Happy birthday again! Hope my gift arrived in LA by now. Night Ellen." Maureen hung up. Ellen groaned, leaning back against the chair she sat in. It was frustrating. She used to tell Maureen everything, being her only close sister, but this mess? It wasn't one for Anyone but those involved. Ellen flipped on the TV, watching French cooking shows until she fell asleep.

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