Trailer blues

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"Hey Patrick wait a second," a crew manager called as the table read broke for the day. Patrick turned his head, walking over to him.

"Yes Marty?" He asked, putting his script in his little over the shoulder bag.

"This seasons budget went way up. I had the pleasure of ordering you and Ellen each new trailers. Bigger, personal, they're great and already on the lot. You can go move on now." Marty explained, handing him a set of keys. Patrick did a double take, excited but saddened. No more sharing. He accepted the keys, walking off to go find Ellen.

"Paddy!" Ellen swung her arm over his shoulder, leaning on him.

"Morning El. Look what I got," he dangled the keys in front of her. Ellen stopped dead in her tracks.

"New trailer keys? They're moving you out? Patrick," She was sad, her eyes looking down. Patrick turned to face her, sighing.

"We both have new trailers. Budget allows it...Ellen, we'll be together still in fact-" he urged her to keep walking to the new trailers in the lot. "We can christen the trailers, you know," Patrick's blue eyes sparkled as he tried to cheer her up. The trailer had been their sanctuary, a source of comfort, it was home to them. Ellen's hands rested on her slender hips as her head tilted,

"Christen?" She asked, staring at his glistening eyes. Patrick rose his brows, a smirk spreading across his lips.

"Yeah. Christen. I'm going to start moving into mine, but I know you got scenes today." Patrick kissed her cheek, quickly moving away. "I'm not begging for help but meet me back here later. Stay with me here tonight while you still move out. We have a few days." Ellen bit her lip, thinking.

"Fine. Alright okay, I will. See you later Patrick." She squeezed his shoulder before going to set to film.

Ellen arrived back to Patrick's trailer around dinner time, knocking on the white door.

"Patrick? You want food truck dinner? It's gyros tonight," She called through. Patrick pushed open the door, wearing a tight white tee with some tight blue jeans, and a thick belt. You could tell he had been lifting things all day, the veins in his neck and arms bulging while sweat dripped down his brow.

"Food truck dinner sounds great but I managed to catch something better," Patrick said, waving her inside. Ellen walked in, seeing his table set for two with a candle and two glasses of white wine. The plates held grilled salmon, and rice.

"Paddy..."Ellen breathed, sitting down. She looked up at him, "you didn't have to do this, you were so busy today..." Patrick grinned, kissing her cheek.

"I wanted to." He sat down, drinking his wine. Ellen began to eat, enjoying it.

"So Patrick, tell me more about this christening?" Ellen asked playfully. Patrick ran a hand through his messy hair. He turned pink,

"Well...first stop is the shower. As you can see I lifted boxes all day, and I need one. I would love to have you with me..." He explained. Ellen nodded right away, smiling. She understood know.

"A shower fuck? Is there more?" She asked mid bite. Patrick choked at her directness, laughing.

"Oh I want to do more to you, everywhere in this trailer. Every damn inch I want to have been with you." He said. Ellen sipped her wine, her eyes bright with mischief.

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