Love you to the moon&back

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Patrick had set Talulah to bed as the knock on his door came. He gently closed her door almost all the way, and hurried to open it. Ellen stood with a bottle of wine on his front step.

"I think it's a goodnight to drink." She said, holding it up. Patrick took the wine, then walked her inside.

"Thank you." He said, kissing Ellen's temple as he set the wine on the counter.

"Tell me what happened." Ellen ordered as she sat on his counter, pulling down two glasses for the wine. Patrick looked away, unsure what to say.

"Jill just said nasty things about you, I couldn't take it," Patrick said quickly, pouring the cups. Ellen rose a thin brow, looking at Patrick in the bright kitchen lights.

"Nasty things? Patrick I thought you told her." Ellen asked, growing concerned. Patrick shook his head,

"No I told's all the pain killers and everything. Anyway. I don't care, it's just rude and wrong." He explained, sipping the red wine. Ellen licked her lips,

"Well go on. Tell me what she said." She challenged him, taking a long sip of her own wine. Her blood ignited, feeling the alcohol warm her body. Patrick looked away again, feeling awkward. He didn't want to tell Ellen, none of it was near true.

"She just called you a whore basically. Then acted like she was better than you for having children and then made a comment about your uh pussy being stretched from sex- look El,"

Ellen dropped her glass of wine, shattering it on the floor. Patrick set his down and swore,
"Fuck!" He shouted in a whisper, crouching down to pick up the glass. Ellen tucked her bare feet up, sighing.

"Sorry. It really doesn't well shouldn't be upsetting me, I- uh" she apologized, watching Patrick carefully pick up the shards. He threw them away, one nicking his palm. He hissed, going to the closet, pulling out a vacuum.

"Sorry. Maybe I shouldn't have told you." Patrick said before vacuuming the spot quickly. He put the vacuum back away, then went back to Ellen. His hands squeezed her kneecaps, his body moving closer to hers on the counter. Ellen kissed his forehead, noticing what he was doing. He was trying to comfort her, make her stop feeling bad.

"Look. I can handle it. I promise but Paddy, I'm not used to it. I wasn't picked on in school..." Ellen confessed to him. "In my catholic elementary school it was always poor Ellen with the dead mom, go play with her. Nuns loved me. Highschool was different, but I stayed to my own crowd. I was picked on I guess but it was nothing compared to my gay friends. Oh no, look at poor me, sad because the queen bee went up a bra size and I'm here sporting double aas." She scoffed, running her hands through Patrick's thick curls. He shook his head,

"Ellie. Jill hurt you. You have every right to be upset." Patrick said, leaning into her. Ellen kissed behind his ear, whispering,

"What do you think about my pussy?" She asked him, nipping his ear. Patrick gasped, groaning in the back of his throat. The word rolling off her tongue in her Boston accent merely sent him into shock. He felt himself stiffen against her, and she giggled. "Ohh? So that's what you think? You want to fuck it?" Ellen asked teasingly. Patrick set his hand firmly on her thigh, pulling back. His blue eyes met her green ones,

"I do. But I have a four year old down that hall." Patrick pointed, giving Ellen a sad smile. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he hugged her, lifting her. Ellen kissed him as he began to walk to his bedroom. He set her down on the bed, smiling. Patrick gently pulled up her shirt, and tugged off her pants. With one quick movement he unclasped her bra.

"I love you Ellen," Patrick breathed as he lay kisses on her stomach. Ellen's hands went up to his hair, tugging as she giggled at his tickling kisses. He slipped a tshirt of his over her head, kissing her cheek. "Night babe," Patrick  said, changing himself. Ellen crawled into the sheets, wrapping herself up, feeling Patrick slip in behind her. He lay one arm across her side, his head resting by her neck. Her perfume trickled across his nose, deliciously enticing him. Ellen closed her eyes, feeling his warm body hold her.

"Paddy?" She asked suddenly.

"Mmhmm yeah El?" He replied, mumbling.

"I feel guilty. You should witness the birth of your sons. Twins, that's like a big deal!" Ellen replied, her voice breaking. She couldn't sleep peacefully knowing Jill was in pain, because no matter what she says, she is a person and a persons a person.

"Oh no. No none of this bullshit Ellen. You don't get to make me feel guilty because you feel bad that Jill is alone. If she didn't want to be alone she shouldn't have insulted you." Patrick's reply earned him a slap across the cheek.

"She insulted me because she doesn't want to be alone you shit." Ellen said angrily. She rolled back over, tucking the pillow under her arm. Patrick turned on the lamp, staring down at Ellen.

"Is this why you've been angry since you first saw Talulah this morning?" He asked, annoyed. His cheek still stung from her swift slap, nails poking him. Ellen rubbed her eyes, sitting up. She let out a big sigh.

"You know why I'm pissed? You do." She hissed. "Damn Patrick. Jill is lashing out because,she does that,but also because you're leaving when she needs you. I know you love me. But what part of loving me is dropping everything for Jill and then running back when she's hurt you? I look, this entire mess was because you were mad at me..." Ellen grew quiet. "Just forget this all Patrick." She turned off the light. Patrick turned it on.

"No. We're talking Ellen. The only thing I want for Jill is to deliver my healthy twin boys. That's all. I'm sorry for leaving you, I'm sorry I should have stayed with Jill during the difficult time. I wanted to be with you because I knew you hurt. Ellen, you will never have a baby with me. At least not in the foreseeable future. It's 2007 Ellen, I mean look at us. We've been together for...almost three years." Patrick paused, looking at Ellen in the dim lamp light. He sighed, frustrated, all he wanted to do was love her. He could feel his heart slipping the more they pushed away from each other. "I thought if I chose Jill over you for that instant, I'd loose you. God it pains me to see Jill pregnant, because I know you want a baby. El, we're not so young anymore either. These years could be your last for children. I just. I wanted to comfort you. I know I made a mistake with Jill in the first place."

Ellen kissed Patrick gently, their soft lips pressed hard against each other. She didn't have a reply for him. She was less angry, upset, and more content. Her hands slid over his shoulders, squeezing his biceps. Patrick let out a groan, his hands cupping her cheeks.

"Paddy?" Ellen broke the kiss to ask him quickly. Patrick took a gasp of air, grinning.

"Yea Ellen?" He asked. Ellen pressed her forehead against his.

"Let's go the fuck to sleep." She laughed, throwing herself back on the bed. Patrick leaned over her, kissing all over her body. His fingers threaded through her honey blonde tresses, both of them relaxing greatly. The fighting was simmering, almost cold. Until about an hour later, when the phone called.

"Patrick Galen!" Ellen rolled over, cursing at him. Patrick shot out of bed, answering it.

"Hi, this is uh Patrick Dempsey," He groaned. Jill replied quickly,

"I've been in labor all night. Your two beautiful sons are here now. I'm going to sleep, I'll call when you can come see them. Don't bring your girlfriend." She said. Patrick frowned,

"What did you name them? I told you, you could name them because they're yours really." He asked. Jill coughed,

"Darby and Sullivan. You wanted Darby before we knew Talulah's gender so I knew." She explained. Patrick smiled.

"Thank you. Now goodnight Jill." He hung up, crawling back into bed.

"Darby and Sullivan Dempsey." Patrick told Ellen excitedly, pushing her hair back. She looked at him, smiling.

"That's beautiful Paddy. Night, daddy." Ellen kissed him softly, cuddling up to his chest. They fell asleep for good this time.

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