Chapter 22: A Lovely Day In The Neighborhood

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After three more trial and errors with Goten, Trunks had finally had enough. He grabbed the back of Goten neck and dragged him to the suits. "Put this helmet on, would ya? Geez." Goten nodded appreciatively before jamming his head into the helmet. Trunks sighed in relief and put his on too. With his head held high Trunks motioned towards the hatch. "Let's do this!" He took off and ran outside of the ship.

It was beautiful. Valleys and valleys of flowers, purple waterfalls, and pink skies. The type of place of dreams. Or an artist's play house. Trunks kneeled down and scooped up a palm of dirt. It was a sandy texture but was just as green as grass. He smirked as he watched each grain slip through his finger tips. He was beginning to enjoy himself. His smirk faded as he thought about how much Shalay would have loved the majesty of this planet. We'll get her back soon.

"Trunks! Trunks! Check it out!" He was ripped out of his thoughts by Goten's energetic screeching. Goten was frantically pointing in front of himself. "Look at this, whoa!" Trunks hopped up and sped over to his friend. As he approached his eyes got wider and wider in awe. There was a village of some sort. The houses were huge.

The friends turned slowly and looked at one another. They didn't have to say a word for the other to know what was about to happen. With one last giggle from them both they took off towards the village.


Dressed to the nines didn't even begin to describe how beautiful she looked. Her blonde hair braided into a crown with a few strains of curly hair hanging perfectly. Her small feet in heels meant for an adult women. The pure white of her gown would put clouds to shame. She was absolutely gorgeous.

In and out of her room servants scrambled to make sure she was acceptable. They did double then triple checks. All the while Shalay stood stiff and still; watching herself in the large mirror. She had this dullness about her. So much different than her usual bright aura. She was defeated. A defeated beauty.

"Do smile m'lady," a pink skinned woman pleaded, "It's your wedding day after all and Lord Kur-" Shalay turned and stared at the woman with empty eyes. The sadness in them shut the woman up. She cleared her throat awkwardly and continued putting the finishing touches on Shalay's dress. After a few more minutes of silence she yet again cleared her throat and wiped her brow. "I'm finished. You're a work of art m'lady."

Shalay shook her head harshly and forced a smile. "Thank... Thank you very much Ayame. This dress is really pretty. I bet someone who actually was in love would kill for it." Ayame gave a half smile and sauntered to the door. She stopped just inside the frame and turned back half way to look at Shalay again.

"I will not pity you. But I also won't torture you. No one deserves this, but you were dealt these cards. Please play them to your advantage, m'lady. Yours isn't the only live at risk today." Ayame pulled her mask back over her face. She was a pretty young woman with a human like physique. She also had shoulder length brunette hair. "See you on the aisle."

Shalay stood struck by her words. Her top lip quivered as she began she snarl a bit. I didn't ask for anyone's pity in the first place. Tsk. I just... I just want my friends. She drew her claws are raised her hand high in the air. I'm not going to be a prisoner again! She laughed her claws to rip a hole and slash the gown. But before contact was made she halted.

"Yours isn't the only live at risk today."

Shalay drooped down like a wilting flower. Slowly but surely sobbing as her knees hit the floor. She punched the ground repeatedly. Her cries echoed through the room. Someone rescue me.


Goten was practically shaking with anticipation. There they stood in front of a sixteen foot tall door. He giggled low as he raised his hand to knock on the door. But before he could Trunks shushed him. Goten pouted, what could be more important than meeting a cool alien?

"Do you hear those voices? Listen," Trunks pressed his ear against the door. He sighed at Goten's glum face before grabbing the boy's head and pressing it against the door as well. "Listen," he ground out.

"Oh! I just know it'll be a marvelous ceremony! Did you see the flyer, Shine?" A joyous feminine voice screeched.

"Yea I saw that shit. It's despicable, " A deep masculine voice replied, "You wanna know what else," the voice grunted; sounding like he stood up, "Is despicable?"

The door swung open and the boys toppled into the home face first. "The fact that we're being spied on." Goten stood up quickly and dusted himself off. He looked up slowly to the man's face. The creature was tall, at least seven feet, and was reminiscent of a gargoyle. Thin and lean, his skin looked like stone and his eyes did too. He had tiny horns in top of his head and a tiny pair of wings. He wore a red toga and brown sandals. The man had a stern face to match. He wore his hair in dreads that stopped just at his shoulders.

"Oh dear," the female squealed. She also looked like a gargoyle, but less gruff. Her features were smoother, wings larger, and eyes softer. She wore a green toga and brown sandals. She had the body shape of a female human. Her breasts were beyond big and she was slender. All in all she was what most would call a sculpture, if she didn't have horns and a tall physique. She hesitated before charging over to the boys. Her long black dreads moved whenever she did.

"You all must have come from a long distance, yes?" Goten nodded at the sweet woman. She smiled widely and snatched him into a hug. Surprisingly, given her stone appearance, her skin felt like... Well... Skin. Not rough like concrete as he had anticipated. He snuggled in closer to her. Unable to deny her warmth. She made him miss his mom even more than he already did.

"Eh eh ehm," Trunks and the man cleared their throats. The girl pulled away with wide eyes. She stood up and composed herself. "Sorry, he just made me think of-"

"Who are you pipsqueaks anyway?"

Trunks stepped forward and put his hands on his hips, "We are Trunks," he gestured to himself and then Goten, "And Goten. And we're here looking for Kuriza! He stole my... Um... Our friend and we want her back!" Goten nodded firmly in agreement.

"Shine..."The woman started slowly with wide eyes and a slight grin. He put up a hand to silence her.

"Quiet, Glow," he ground out. "You two must leave our home. Right now!" The boys stood still in confusion at the sudden change in mood. "I said get out damn it! We want nothing to do with that monster!"

"But Shine! They want to see Lord Kuriza! The great and all powerful! Oh how lovely!" The three boys eyed her disdainfully. "He'll bring our daughter back to us and then we can be happy again!"

Shine walked up to the boys and grabbed them by their collars. He lifted them off the ground and opened the door before he threw them out on their butts. "And don't come back!"

Trunks stood up in a huff. He turned and helped Goten get up as well. "Did you hear that? They know Kuriza..." A smile stretched across his face, "We'll be able to save her sooner than I thought!"


That's it for now... Sorry I barely update. Just scholarships and college... And adult stuff bleh bleeeehhh bleh...

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