Chapter 21: Steps Closer

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Trunks scratched another line into the hard steal wall of the ship's cabin area. That makes thirteen days of uneventful nothingness. Trunks and Goten had departed into space expecting some sort of adventure! And they wanted to save Shalay...of course. Anyway they were traveling through space on the pure assumption that, "It went that way. Evil ships always ago to the right of the screen in movies." That leap of faith was getting the boys absolutely nowhere in their search. And food was running scarce. With two demi-saiyans on board that as bad as no oxygen.

"Trunks! Trunks! Get in here quick, you gotta see this!" Goten bellowed from the front of the ship. Trunks went at an unnatural speed to reach Goten's side. Goten hand his entire self planted to the huge oval window in front of the ship. He turned his head an beckoned Trunks to come closer. He did. Trunks pressed his face against the glass and squinted. "Do you see it?" Trunks nodded, his once grim expression turning into pure glee.

"It's a planet Goten! We've reached a planet!" Far in the distance there was a red and yellow speck with two rings overlapping each other. "One step closer to Shalay ," Goten smiled hard and put his hand up for a high five. Trunks grinned back and gave him a high five. Finally a ray of hope in this deep endless hole called space.


Kuriza sat with his knees on the floor and head resting on the bed. Every inch, every flinch, every blink was fascinating. "Such beauty, oh my princess. You are truly classic. So vintage..." He spoke almost in a daze while Shalay sat huddled against the extravagant head board. She watched him as well, but for different reasons.

"Come here," He purred to her. Shalay shook her head no violently only to earn a scowl from Kuriza. "Oh my sweet, you have forgotten so soon. You've forgotten what happens when I am defied." His voice sounded as if he was cooing a child. She became almost frantic and hurried to crawl over to him. He gripped her chin and examined her face.

His nails dug into her pale skin; drawing tiny drops of blood. "I've been thinking..." He drawled, "And I think we shall marry in the marrow." Shalays eyes bugged out and she smacked his hand away from her.

"I'd never marry you... You hideous lizard!"

The room fell silent. But to Kuriza he could hear the echo of her words bouncing in his head. A twisted smile tugged on his lips. Soon enough he chuckled and cackled in insanity. He fell back on the plush carpet and laughed even more. Shalay covered her mouth as her eyes began to water. He was going to kill her.

"Me? Hideous? Oh no I am far from such a word. It shouldn't even be in my vocabulary. You see, although you're pretty, you'll never be as perfect as me." Within an instant he was standing over her on the bed. "I've never done this before, but you must learn." He scratched her up by her tail and with one swift motion of his hand he chopped it off.

"Aaaahggg!" She was in such an intense pain. Her nerves were exploding in agony as she curled up and writhed on the now bloody blanket. Shalay shook as she scrambled to reach the door. Her vision was blurry and the pain was taking over.

Kuriza watched from his perch as she tried to leave with such haste. He slowly trotted over to her and lifted his foot above her fresh wound. "Sleep my dear," He ground out before slamming the heel on his foot onto her wound. And with that Shalay passed out.


Trunks mashed the keys and flipped the switches. Goten strapped his seat belt and dug his nails into the armrest. They were coming in hot and although he is the child of a genius. He's still just that, a child. The pressure and speed from the gravitational pull made their faces morph with the wind. Pushing and pulling their skin and knocking them further into their seats. The boys screamed out of pure terror as the ground came into view.

"Holy shi...!"


They landed, hard. It took Goten a second to recuperate. He groggily stumbled towards the exit and opened the hatch. When he stepped outside he saw beautiful mountains that almost looked like clay. It was quite the sight to behold. Goten breathed in deeply. His eyes grew wide when he realized he couldn't breath. He coughed and wheezed and held his throat tight. He quickly ran back into the ship and relieved his aching lungs.

"T.. Trunks! There's no air! We can't leave the ship! How are we supposed to save anyone when we can't even-" Trunks had since risen from the floor and found his bearings. He placed a finger over Goten's lips. "Shh shh... I've come prepared Goten."

Trunks smirked arrogantly before continuing,"I am the captain of this ship after all and-"

"Since when were you captain?" Goten protested in a muffled voice.

"Since forever!" Trunks quickly interjected, "Anyway I've got astronaut helmets. We'll be fine. Now let's set out on adventure!" Goten ran towards the exit; so pumped from the speech. Trunks rolled his eyes as Goten ran out of the hatch.

"1...2..3..." Trunks counted passively.

"Trunks! Trunks! There's no air out there!" Goten came back in bellowing.
"This is gonna be one long rescue mission."


Holy crap I actually updated
Please don't kill me!

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