Chapter 13: Breakfast Confessions

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Goten opened his eyes begrudgingly. Today was the day he'd have to tell his family that aliens were on their way to Earth. Not for a party or a visit, but to destroy the planet! He also didn't want to tell them that if he hadn't strayed off path and played treasure hunt, this would never have happened. He grunted as he rolled out of bed and onto floor. Maybe he'd just stay there all day and pretend he had a tummy ache or something. Goten whipped his head to the side suddenly and smiled. All the bad thoughts slipped his mind as he smelled sweet, yummy food - he could've sworn they were calling his name. He rocketed out of his room and hightailed down stairs to the kitchen. He didn't notice the alien girl who was already on her way downstairs.

As Goten zoomed past, the sheer force of his speed slammed Shalay into the wall opposite of the railing.Shalay pulled herself from the wall as her eyes followed the pretty birdies that circled her head. She made her way to the kitchen table with a comically sized bump on her forehead.

"Hey, are you okay?" Gohan asked with concern. "What happened to you?" The catgirl lifted her hand to the throb above her eyebrows, wincing at the sudden pain.

"I... honestly don't know..." Her voice trailed off.

"Daddy," Goten piped up. "Where's Mommy? We can't eat without her or she'll get angry."

"She's on the phone with Bulma," Goku answered, only half listening. His heart was set on the mountains of freshly prepared food in front of him. "And you know Bulma and your mom sure can talk a lot! They are always talking.." His voice switched to a whisper "...sometimes I just don't listen to what they say because they just..." The phone hung up with a slam and Chi-Chi appeared in front of Goku at the fastest speed Shalay had ever seen her use.

"Because we WHAT, Goku?!" The house wife demanded, hurting everyone else's ears. Goku stammered, trying to think up a way to get out of this one. He couldn't get all lovie-dovie - the kids were here, and that was his only option besides...

"I'm sorry Chi! I don't know what came over me!" He pleaded, "It must've been how hungry I am!"

Chi-Chi's evil demeanor fell, replaced by a shocked one.

"Oh my," She mouthed, "I'm sorry, everyone, I'm a terrible wife and mother! I forgot to say it was okay for you all to eat!"

"You sure are," Shalay agreed smugly.

Gohan sweat dropped and Goku and Goten bit at their nails, scared of what was to come.


"OUCH! What did you do that for?!" Shalay cried, a single tear falling from her left eye. "I was only agreeing with you!"

Chi-Chi's frying pan disappeared as she set their plates. "You just mind your manners or you won't be going to see Trunks today."

Shalay immediately fixed her face and sat up straight.

"Thought so," Chi-Chi said, it being her turn to be smug. She took her seat in between Goku and Gohan, who were already on their sixth plate. Across from her, Goten was on his fourth. Shalay was just barely on her second.

'Maybe I should take Shalay on a girls' night out.'A look of disgust traced Chi-Chi's face as Shalay used a waffle as a napkin. 'She's becoming one of them.'

"Hey Goten," Shalay whispered to her friend, "When are you going to tell them what happened?"

Goten coughed violently, then swallowed deeply. "Heh-heh, I almost forgot."

Shalay's head turn to the left slightly, "How could you forget that, Goten!?" She hissed in his ear, smacking his chair with her tail.

Goten just shrugged and cleared his throat. "Mommy, Daddy, Gohan." They all looked up from the morning feast. "Shalay and I have something to tell you, but you got to promise you won't get mad."

They all nodded dumbly.

"You see-" He hesitated and took one really deep breath, "MeandShalaywentdiggingandfou ndapieceofFrieza'sshipandaguysaidweareallgoingtodie!"

Chi-Chi stood up forcefully, tossing the table with her. Goku was still trying to decipher Goten's word. Gohan was grumbling about him "Never getting a break."

"That went well. Right, Goten?" Shalay asked happily.

"Couldn't have gone better," Goten sang back.

"Wait, so let me get this straight," Gohan started off; "You and Shalay went digging and found an active piece of Frieza's ship?"

"Yup," Goten said, a waffle hanging from his stuffed mouth.

"And it sent a signal to a ship, which picked it up and found the coordinates to Earth?" The genius child continued.

"Probably," Shalay offered, "Or they found it when Goten told them where Frieza died." Goten looked guilty but innocent at the same time. How was he supposed to know that the fish-lipped alien was out for revenge?

"Well," Chi-Chi broke in, "It seems like we're all going to Capsule Corp."

After Goku and his alien offspring finished their food, they left for Capsule Corp, using instant transmission, of course. The Son family, plus Shalay, popped into a usual breakfast with the Briefs:

Vegeta and Bulma were arguing about the gravity room, both using words that made Chi-Chi suspect that Shalay learned such foil language from them. Trunks was making a pancake castle fit for the sausage he was using as the king. Dr. Briefs was reading about a bunch of alien kids being sent back to their home planets in the newspaper, while Scratch licked his cheek. Bunny was making more pancakes for her creative little grandson.

"Hey guys!" Goku chirped, causing the entire Brief family, minus Vegeta, to fall over in shock. As Trunks fell, so did his pancakes - right on top of his head.

Trunks gave a Vegeta-worthy glare at the cheerful Saiyan, but it dropped when he saw his best friend. That changed as well, into embarrassment, when he saw Shalay snickering at his mishap.

"Sorry to intrude," Chi-Chi apologized, "But I think Goku, Gohan, and Vegeta need to talk to one another. You know, saving the world and what not," Chi-Chi spoke nonchalantly, much calmer than before.

"Kakarot, what is your harpy screeching about now?" Vegeta questioned as rudely as he wanted to be.

"Chi-Chi," Goku corrected, "Is talking about the aliens who are coming here to avenge Frieza's death."

Vegeta scoffed, "A bit late aren't they."

"Come on, Trunks! Let's go play!" Shalay squeaked joyfully.

"Okay," Trunks conceded. "What are we going to play?"

"How about we plan how we're going to kill those aliens who are coming to Earth?"

Trunks shivered. "Aliens are coming here!?" Shalay and Goten nodded vigorously.

"Awesome. Come on, let's go train!"

With that, the three friends prepared for the battle of a lifetime.

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