Chapter 8: This isnt how it was supposed to happen.

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Trunks and Goten lay on the cold concrete, blood seeping from the deep wounds on their abdomens. Goku instant-transmissioned to where the boys were. What he saw almost made him wish he could un-see it. The sight of his youngest son and his best friend in the hands of death made his stomach do back-flips. Goku turned slightly to the left where he saw Shalay barely hanging on to the realm of consciousness.

'This isn't what was supposed to happen!' Goku's mind screamed at him.

Her arms were wobbling, but this time it was because of the blackness that was slowly overtaking her vision. Why was she so weak? Ugh, it was so frustrating, knowing that if she was just a little stronger she would've hurt her only friends. It hurt knowing she could've saved her race. Now she was hurting others; no matter if she didn't do it on purpose or didn't have any control.

She felt a hand on her shoulder. It was strong and love flowed from it into her. Shalay found herself suddenly in front of Goten and Trunks; her victims. Then at the same rate she was on the left of a very anxious Gohan and the right of a pissed Vegeta. She was barely able to hear what Goku said to Gohan.

"Gohan did you bring some senzu beans?"

Gohan looked rather reluctant to answer, but he answered nevertheless. "Yeah, but just one."

"What! Just one?!" How did he only have one senzu? It's not like they've been fighting a lot. The last major fight even worthy of a senzu was the fight with Buu, but that was at least two years ago.

"That's all Korin had. I guess he thought we wouldn't need them anytime soon." Gohan shrugged at his own assumption. 'I guess Korin isn't all that 'all knowing after all,' he thought irritably. "He said one would be enough for two people so, I guess he was right," he concluded, throwing his previous train of thought off the rails.

"Feed it to them so this can be over with," Vegeta interrupted, "This would've never happened if the girl wasn't so weak minded anyway," the Prince spat, glaring daggers in Shalay's direction.

"Vegeta!" Goku and Gohan exclaimed at the same time, while Gohan fed the split bean to the boys.

Shalay turned her head to the side, slightly out of view of the others. Her eyes squeezed tightly trying to stop the budding tears from falling.

"I-it was an accident I didn't want to hurt them." Her voice that was already just about above a whisper and got even quieter if that was even possible. "They're my friends."

With his saiyan ears, Vegeta and the rest heard her plea for forgiveness, but he wasn't done yet.

"Well you sure have a funny way of showing it." The eldest full blooded saiyan mocked.

Shalay was unsure what to say to the Prince. It wasn't her fault, but it was her body that hurt them. 'I'm sorry guys, please forgive me,' she thought, hoping Dende might hear her prayers.

"Aw man, since there's only one senzu bean it'll heal them, but,"

There's always a 'but', "They will stay unconscious for a while," Gohan explained, pointing at the boys who were still out cold, for proof.

Vegeta scoffed, "Now we have three tons of dead weight."

"Three? But it's only two," Goku said, raising his fingers in front of his face. "I might not be good at math, but I know this one." He was very confident that he knew how to count, especially up to three.

And they say Vegeta's the smarter one.

"No, I was correct Kakarot," The Saiyan no Ouji spoke with a smirk, "My brat, your brat, and the cat."

Shalay heard everything that he said. She just pretended not to and stood up. Her legs finally allowed her to do so. Shalay kept her head downcast in shame.

'Yes, that's right,' thought Crane. 'Bring her back to me!'

Their bickering was cut short because of Crane.

"Well, I hate to intrude on your childish banter but I must be going," he said turning his back to make his leave.

Vegeta saw this as an opening to avenge his son. He usually didn't resort to such underhanded moves - they were dishonoring, but Crane hurt his son so honor had nothing to do with it. He lunged at Crane's retreating back.

When his hit was about to connect, one of Crane's lackeys jumped in the way and took the blow head on. It killed the boy on impact.

"Wha-why would he-" The saiyan was in shock that the child died for Crane, his captor of all people. While Vegeta was still in shock, Crane began to speak.

"You see, they are loyal little ingrates. They do as they are told," Crane said, turning to face Vegeta's shocked face. "Brain washing children is so easy to do and maintain." He stopped to look at the downtrodden Shalay. "Isn't that right, Shalay?"

"Huh," she said, surprised to hear her name in the conversation. She didn't even notice the limp body of a young boy.

"How did you do it girl? Break my spell?" Crane said in a beckoning voice that almost made Shalay approach him.

Spell? What spell? She didn't remember being put under any magic. "I-I don't know what you're talking about."

"You used to work for that guy, Shalay?" Gohan asked, still trying to get the just of their conversation.

"Yes, but not by choice," she admitted. "I knew I didn't belong there. Whatever magic you used on me sucked pretty badly, because I hate you!" She practically spat the words at Crane. That man took her from the ones she loved. No, he took the ones she loved away from her!

"Enough of this. Come Shalay," Crane demanded, gesturing for her to come to him with a hand.

"No," she spoke quietly, but everyone heard the tension in the little alien girl's voice.

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