Chapter 20: For You

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Goten followed close behind Trunks as the sped through the halls of Capsule Corp. They needed to find Mr. Briefs and fast. Trunks had a brilliant idea; it could save Shalay. Goten turned left and then down the first flight of eight staircases. He blinked repeatedly to keep his eyes from getting fuzzy. He was filled with an unshakable worry and guilt. Shalay had been taken, he was scared for her. He had the mind set that it was his fault, as every true hero does when bad things happen.

Trunks looked over his shoulder at Goten before shouting, "Come on," he sighed. "You wanna save her don't you?" Goten nodded sheepishly.

"Then," Trunks stopped running and placed a hand on Goten's arm, "Don't worry. We'll do this together...Like always, dude."

Goten bit his bottom lip and gave the most sincere smile he could muster. Trunks nodded towards the Lab entrance with a sly look in his baby blues. Goten got jittery from the anticipation. "Hurry, hurry! Let's go in there!" Trunks typed in his grandfather's pass code and the large glass doors hissed as the opened; mist surfacing from its crevices. "This," Trunks said in awe, "Is my grandfather's lab. And he has..."

"Spaceships!" Goten yelped at the sight of three barely, if ever, used spacecrafts. There were different types. One in the shape of a large pod, next one shaped as a rocket, and lastly the one that made their mouths water was spiky and looked to be a beetle. "Let's use this one," They said in unison.

"Awesome!" Goten screamed. He jumped and clicked his heels together with a huge grin. He got half way to the ship when Trunks stopped him abruptly. He bumped into his arm but continued to flail his arms around and claw at the air. "Let me in there!"

"We will go in. But we need space suits first." Goten instantly calmed down. "Yeah you heard right. Let's get those over there," Trunks gestured to the suits in the corner. There was one in red and black that was adored with the CC's logo. And the other, also logo'd out, was green and black.

After the two got in their suits, Trunks in the green and Goten in the red, they boarded the ship. Trunks fortunately thought of the fact that they'd need at least six months worth of food. Kami knows that would've been hectic. "We're so cool," Trunks bragged as they check themselves out in a mirror on the ship. "Heroes always look cool. So there's no way we can't save her looking like this." Goten nodded swiftly while flexing and grunting.

"So how are we going to blast off?" Goten questioned.

Trunks looked up and bit the side of his bottom lip. "I got an idea."


Bunny bounced around the kitchen with a certain glee in her...eyes? She was preparing her usual victory dinner. She couldn't contained herself as she patiently waited for the fellas to get back with the good news. A cracking sound caught her attention as she mixed batter in a giant purple bowl. The cracking progressively turned into shattering then into collapsing. "Oh dear!" She called out as the vicinity shook causing her to loose her balance. The bowl of batter flew into the sky and landed promptly onto her blonde curls.

Bunny slowly lifted the bowl and rubbed her slit for eyes clean. She groaned and stood to look out of the sun roof. There she saw a very large beetle blasting off into the sky. "This can't be good. Whoever that is will certainly be missing dinner!"


Trunks and Goten were running around the ship's front wing; freaking out. Trunks was pulling his hair and screaming while Goten cried and rocked back and forth. "We didn't think this through buddy!" Trunks wailed. "I just thought it'd be like playing the video games! Its not, its noT at all!"

"B-but how are we gonna save Shalay now? S-she needs US!" Goten began to scream bloody murder and Trunks ran over to him and slapped him across the face. He grabbed his shoulders and shook him violently. "Get a grip man! We... We just need to find a manual. Yeah a manual. That sounds logical." Goten's face was green from being shook.

He felt nauseous, "A-are you sure?"

"Of course I am. I'm the thinker, ain't I?" Goten nodded and released himself from Trunks' grip. They grabbed hands and shook sharply.

"Let's do this!"


A knock resounded in the large room. It was frilly pink and white. Shalay sat on the round bed looking drained. Her usually tan skin appeared pale, ears drooped, tail limp, and the shine in her blue eyes was gone. "Princess can I come in?" A soft voice called from outside the room. "Princess? Are you in there?"

"Yeah I'm in here," Shalay sighed out, "But I'm not a princess. Not yet anyway." The door opened slightly and in shuffled a little woman with a mask. The mask had the numbers 654 written across the forehead. The woman was slouched over. Although her face isn't visible, its clear she isn't human with her blue lumpy skin. She had on a tattered grey robe and ruined slippers.

"Yes your highness. You are a princess. You and the Lord are betrothed."

"But I'm not HIS princess! I'm Goten's princess!" Shalay yelled angrily and slammed her fist into the bed.

"T'sk T'sk. That boy will never see you again. Forget it dear we've been traveling for two weeks. You're far away from his grasp." Shalay's eye twitched and she hissed. Before she could stop herself she struck the little woman in the face. Shalay breathed hard as she saw the woman struggling to get up. Tears fell down her pale face as she stared at her right hand. It was shaking uncontrollably. Shalay collapsed onto her plush bed and began to sob fiercely.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry 654. Please don't hate me." 654 rose to her foot and sat beside Shalay. She began to stroke her back.

"Its okay your highness. I am but a lowly servant. If I ever displease you, please show me no mercy." Shalay shot up off her bed and wagged her finger at 654. "No. I couldn't possibly."

"But you can. You can do whatever you wish. As long it doesn't get in his Lordship's way. This is your empire."

Shalay leaned against a wall on the opposite side of the room. She slid down the wall and let a single tear fall. "No, this is my prison."


That's it guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! See ya next time!!! I feel really sorry for Shalay (she says as if she's not the author) She's been through so much now she has to go through this!!! ╥﹏╥

(╥╯﹏╰╥)ง stay strong till next time.

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