Chapter 9: At My Hands

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"What did you say to me?" Crane was in shock. Did she just disobey him? "You ungrateful maggot." Disbelief was dripping from his every word. This was not happening!

"I-I am not ungrateful," Shalay hissed, "What is there to be grateful for?! You took me from my home planet and killed everyone I ever loved!" Shalay's power began to skyrocket. "I'm supposed to be grateful for that? Or you taking me and locking me up, right?" Her knees bent almost outward and claws spread out on her side.

Gohan came forward a few steps, ready to stop Shalay before she went too far. As he stepped forward, Goku grabbed his shoulder, shaking his head to let him know this was her fight.

"In that case, thanks a million!" Shalay was seething. She had long since then transformed. Her tail was lashing out and whipping the air mercilessly.

"Now you watch yourself, cat," Crane shouted back, trying to have a say in Shalay's rant.

"The only thing I'm going to be watching is you taking your last breath at my hands!" Shalay oozed with fury. Her hands were clutched so tight that they began to bleed.

Before Crane could react to the sudden threat, Shalay charged at him with her hand pulled back to cause more damage. She didn't fall for the same trick as Vegeta did. She easily jumped over the next suicidal soldier's head.She reached Crane and clawed him where his heart was supposed to be. Instead of the sound of flesh-and-claw impact, it was more like a 'clank' sound."Huh?"

'What was that?' She thought. 'It's like some kind of metal?' Then it hit her. Metal. Goku not being able to sense his energy. He's not human - no - he's a robot!

"I see you've noticed I'm an android now," Crane said with a self-satisfied smile on his face.

'Whatever,' she thought, 'This doesn't change anything!' She wouldn't be able to live with the regret of not having defeated Crane.

"HA!" She screeched as she launched a ki blast straight at Crane's smug face. It did nothing but singe the side of his face.


"Dad, I don't think she can hurt him," Gohan said, wanting to help her. "You remember how strong the androids we fought were. She not strong enough!"

"I know," Goku spoke back, "She's losing energy already, but we can't step in. She needs this. If she blacks out, we go in, ok?"


How is this even possible?! She put everything she had into that blast and it only faintly charred him. He must be made from the same metal her cell was constructed of. No, if that's so, she can't win!

"I can't win," She whimpered, "You're too strong."

"Oh, but that's where you're wrong," Crane snickered at her. "You're too weak."

Thoughts and memories filled her head.

"Mom, can I come to the battle too?"

"No, love, you can't. It's too dangerous. You're only a child."

Her mother walked away from her with her sister, Lilac, and her father.

She never saw them again.

'If only I was stronger I could've helped her. I could've saved my father and my sister. Why am I so weak?' She thought bitterly.

Blackness started to fill her vision. The overwhelming load of memories was giving her a headache. She quite liked the blackness. She'd stay there forever if it meant not having to face her failures.

Gohan ripped himself loose from his father and charged Craned. He kicked the sensei-turned-android in the neck, causing his head - or what was left of it - to fall to the ground. Soon the rest of his body followed with a sickening thud. The demi-saiyan picked up Shalay and walked back to the rest of the group, leaving the shocked faces of kid warriors behind.

"I-I did it," Shalay said, halfway gone.

Not knowing what to say, Gohan lied, "Yeah, you... umm... did it." Not very well, at that. A smile graced Shalay's lips before the darkness completely took over.


"...Shalay,"a familiar voice echoed in her ears.

"M-mom? But how... you're dea- not around right now." On her Planet they didn't believe in death, but eternal life on the other side.

"Yes, I know, my sweet,"Shalay's mom said in a moving tone. She approached her daughter and stroked her cheek. Shalay's mom was an average height of any woman. She had lengthy blonde angelic hair that flowed down past her back in steep curls. Her eyes were the same as Shalay's and her tail was as white and fluffy as fresh snow. The woman's ears matched her tail.

A purr came from Shalay's throat. She hadn't seen her mom in two years and missed her caring touch.

"I miss you, mom," Shalay sighed out.

"I miss you too, my sweet, but one day when your time here is through we will be together again."

"I know, b-but I just need you!" She felt depressed and alone. Being locked in that cell for so long after loosing her all. And then this! It was like a teasing a child with Christians gifts only to give the poor boy a pile of coal.

"No, you don't need me. Not all the time. Even so, I'll always be with you. It might not be physical, but spiritually I will always be here." Kneeling down, she lifted her daughter's chin.

"Promise, mom." Hope was becoming relevant in her voice again.

"Yes, my sweet, I promise," Shalay's mom spoke, then kissed her cheek. "Now, wake up, okay..."

Shalay's mom's voice began to fade into another familiarly cheery voice.


"Wake up! Please Shalay! You just got to!" Goten screeched, scared of the worst. A moan escaped her lips as she looked up at Goten. Instantly, her heart sank for what she did to him. Knowing he was okay, it picked right back up.

"Hey Goten, where are we?" Shalay inquired groggily, rubbing her eyes.

"Oh, we're at Capsule Corp. You might not know, because last timers were only in the kitchen." He began to giggle with joy.

'I'm so happy she's okay. Boy, Trunks should be here too,' thought the youngest of the demi-saiyans.

"I'll be right back, okay?" He said, sliding off the hospital-like bed. "I'll go get everyone else. They'll be really happy that you're up too." He started running towards the nearest exit.

"Wait," Shalay suddenly spoke up. "Goten, I'm sorry"

"For what?" Goten questioned, scratching the back of his head.

"You know... for hurting you and Trunks back there. Friends shouldn't do that."

"Oh, that. Gohan told me everything," He said, realization finally hitting him. "I forgive you. Oh and so does Trunks." He turned around, but didn't turn his gaze away from Shalay. "Besides, I can't stay mad at you. We're friends."

Without another word, he left the room to get the gang.

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