Chapter 12: Say what?

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Shalay was certain she knew that name, although not personally. I mean, everyone knows about that guy, she thought. He was that mean old space tyrant who disappeared with his father all those years ago.

Little did Shalay know that she wasn't the only eight year old alien who knew about the tyrant known as Lord Frieza. Well, that was until he spoke up.

"Frieza!" Goten exclaimed. "No way! He's dead! Trunks from the future killed him!" Shalay was beginning to think Goten lost his mind, at this point. Trunks from the future?

How is that-? When did that-? What!? Ugh.

The yellow man didn't fail to catch that either. It was obvious Lord Frieza had fallen and so did his brother and father, yet no one wanted essentially to believe that. Who would, knowing that somewhere out there was someone capable of that feat?

"Lord Frieza is truly dead, you say," The man stated more than asked. "Yet, how did these controls survive all these years?"

"Easy," Shalay popped in. "They were buried and Goten and I dug them up." As if to prove this, she revealed her dirty hands in front of the screen.

"So he died on your planet?" The alien asked Shalay, who simply turned the question over to Goten. He seemed to know a lot about Frieza.

"Yup, he sure did. My best friend from the future killed him with a sword," Goten explained, imitating sword movements with his small hands. "And his crybaby daddy too!" Goten made crying baby noises, and giggled before continuing.

"Frieza's dad even begged, but no, Trunks shot him with a Ki-blast and blew up the whole ship!" Shaking her finger, Shalay slid into the conversation again.

"Nuh-uh, not the whole ship," pointing at the control panel she slid out of view again.

"Yeah, right," Goten agreed.

"Thank you for the, er, information,"

The fish-lipped man spoke, then grinned maniacally, "Information that just sealed your planet's fate!"

The screen clicked off, leaving a petrified Shalay and a Goten who was making mouth explosions."Goten," Shalay spoke through her extremely dry throat, "We've got to tell your friends about this. I think he was serious."

Goten shook his head from side to side in disagreement. "No way. It was just a prank call," he proceeded to speak in a more playful tone - if that was possible. "Now, come on. We passed the meadow, like, forever ago."

No matter how badly Shalay wanted to play, there was an echo in her mind telling her 'no'. She had to tell the others.

"We can't, Goten, come on."

While lifting up from the ground, grains of sand fell from her clothes - reminding her of her earlier mishap - as she reached out for Goten's left hand. They began their travel home, Shalay pulling a pouting Goten all the way.


The nerve of that man! He comes in late and expects me to have his dinner out for him, she thought as she rattled through the fridge, pulling out said dinner's leftovers. Not to mention my baby and Shalay haven't even come home yet! Oh, I hope they're okay. Even in Chi-Chi's mind she have mood swings.

The man sitting at the table, sporting a bump that was now several inches above his scalp, looked so much like her son it was criminal. Said man was none other than Son Goku himself, with a pout on his manly - yet childish - features.

"Chi, I'm sorry," Goku apologized, "I just got caught up training with Piccolo."

Rolling her eyes she responded, "You always do."

Catching the venom in her voice, Goku flinched involuntary. Time for a different approach. Using their mental link, Goku spoke to his wife. A crimson tint appeared across her cheeks. Chi-Chi ran to her husband.

"Oh Goku," she responded whilst hugging him, "I love you more." A goofy grin appeared on the cheerful Saiyan's lips as he hugged her back.

The two lovebirds were so caught up that they didn't notice that the two youngest members of their family witnissed the whole scene. While Goten made a face of disgust at the show affection, Shalay sighed, her hands cupping the other at the same time while looking longingly at the couple.

At her sigh, husband and wife turned to see the children in the doorway of the kitchen. Immediately, Chi-Chi rose from her love's lap and turned to face the children.

"Hey, what have you guys been up too?" Goku asked, looking over the two. They were covered in sand, and Shalay - was that mud?

It was something Chi-Chi's motherly eyes didn't fail to detect.

"Shalay," Chi-Chi said in a shocked tone of voice, "I just bought you those clothes, young lady. Might I ask what possessed you to ruin them?" As Shalay started to explain, she was cut off.

"Honestly, you're a feline, not some pig! Why are you covered in mud?" Shalay now thought the questions were rhetorical, so she didn't answer."Answer me, today please!" Chi-Chi screeched.

"Um-ah-um." Shalay fumbled over her words. What was wrong with this woman? I'm crazy, but... come on, Shalay thought.

"Never mind." Chi-Chi waved her off, turning to Goten. "And you! What have I told you about bringing alien control panels into the house!?"

Goten scratched the back of his head in thought. "Uumm. Nothing."

Chi-Chi lectured the kids for the rest of the night, sending them straight to bed after their late dinner.

"Goten," Shalay whispered, leaving the bathroom so Goten can have his turn. "When will you tell your parents about that alien guy?"

Goten thought for a second, "Tomorrow. Not tonight. My mom's kind of mad."

"Kind of?" Shalay shouted. "More like pissed the fuck off. She's so..." Chi-Chi walked around the corner right as a swearword escaped Shalay's lips.

"What. Did. You. Just. Say!?"

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